Monday, October 09, 2006

Washington Post poll shows just how large the gap between the Republicans and Democrats has grown.

Congressional approval has plunged to its lowest level in more than a decade (32 percent) and by a margin of 54-35 percent, Americans say they trust Democrats over Republicans to deal with the biggest problems facing the country. Fifty-five percent of those surveyed said Democrats in Congress deserve to be reelected in November, but just 39 percent said Republicans deserve to be returned to office.

By a margin of 54-41 percent, registered voters said they planned to vote for the Democrat over the Republican in House races next month.

It makes my heart soar to see my country finally understanding just how completely they were manipulated by the Republican party. If the Republicans are able to hold on to the House or the Senate we will know, without a shadow of a doubt, that the election has been stolen. And then there will be shit splattered fans as far as the eye can see.


  1. YOU ARE VERY UNINFORMED. Dems have pr0posred nothing of value to congress except to LEAK classified doucments to the MSM and our enemies(Islamic raticles).You vote for a party that wants to give TERRORISTS captured on the battle field the same rights as US citizensyour party makes me sick. Wake up man, or we will have another 9/11 ATTACK but this time we will be able connect the dots to the Dems who will have allowed this new attack becuse you oppose INTERNATIONAL WIRE TAPPING,DATA mining and the PATRIOT ACT and your party will be finished forever!

  2. Hi Carl!

    Hey buddy, I hear what you are saying and I understand how emotional an issue this is for you.

    I certainly want you and your family to feel safe and I hear the fear in your voice. But Carl I just do not believe that the policies of this administration have made you, me, or our families any safer.

    You know America has overreacted to threats before, such as interning the Japanese during World War 2, trampling on the civil rights of our citizens during the McCarthy hearings, and now arresting people and sending them to foreign prisons with scant evidence. We look back on those first two with shame, and I think we will view this most current one in the same light.

    We have caught this administration in numerous lies and therefore we cannot just trust them to do what is right. We need somebody to monitor their actions and hold them accountable for their mistakes. The Republicans have not been willing to do this, so it is time for the Democrats to step up and get the power to have a vote on whether a policy is valid.

    Make no mistake Carl, we WILL be attacked again. And the policies of this President have created many more terrorists then ever existed before. They hate us and currently they have good reason to hate us. I make no excuses for the actions of terrorists but I do beleive that it strengthens us to know how they think (As much as we can).

    And Carl believe me when I say that after the Democrats regain power, I will be watching them closely as well. If they screw up anywhere near the level that the Republicans have I will spend many hours a day bitchslapping them within an inch of their liberal lives.

    Maybe on that day you and I will finally be in agreeemnt on something.

    Peace be with you brother.


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