Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bush loses his Mojo and the bad JuJu comes home to roost.

Now I am not usually a superstitious person as I don't believe in supreme beings, or evil spirits, or magic, or really anything at all, but there is some interesting energy surrounding George Bush and those close to him.

First there is the report of his daughter's purse snatching.

Then the motorcade incident in Hawaii.

And then finally a White House staffer gets his ass kicked while accompanying Bush in Hawaii. (You know Hawaii has multiple gods and spirits roaming around the islands. You want to watch your ass on those islands.)

Now one, or two, of these things might just be an interesting coincidence. But three incidents like this in a row? I think it is clear that Bush has pissed off somebody with some power.

Could it have been this guy? (I love it when I am ahead of the curve on a new story.)

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