Friday, November 24, 2006

Doing the people's business, the Democrats are aggressively pursuing the truth behind the Iraq invasion and CIA interrogation methods.

Seeking information about detention of terrorism suspects, abuse of detainees and government secrecy, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are reviving dozens of demands for classified documents that until now have been rebuffed or ignored by the Justice Department and other agencies.

“I expect real answers, or we’ll have testimony under oath until we get them,” Senator Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, who will head the committee beginning in January, said in an interview this week. “We’re entitled to know these answers, and in many instances we don’t get them because people are hiding their mistakes. And that’s no excuse.”

Mr. Leahy, who has said little about his plans for the committee, expressed hope for greater cooperation from the Bush administration, which he described as having been “obsessively secretive.” His aides have identified more than 65 requests he has made to the Justice Department or other agencies in recent years that have been rejected or permitted to languish without reply.

This is exactly why I wanted the Democrats back in power. I want to know what we have not been allowed to know up to this point. I fucking hate being lied to, and I want to have the truth revealed regardless of who it damages politically. And I include any complicit Democrats in that desire as well.

George W. Bush may be the worst liar in the history of politics. He has more ticks and gives then almost anybody I have ever seen who is not in the second grade. Yet nobody ever calls him on his bullshit.

Well I want somebody to shovel through the bullshit until they get to the truth. And now is the time.

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