Saturday, November 18, 2006

This Brazilian mayor wants my penis to be happy. Gee the Brazilians are nice people!

The mayor of a small Brazilian town has begun handing out free Viagra, spicing up the sex lives of dozens of elderly men and their partners.

"Since we started the free distribution of sexual stimulants, our elderly population changed. They're much happier," said Joao de Souza Luz, the mayor of Novo Santo Antonio, a small town in the central state of Mato Grosso.

Souza Luz said 68 men over the age of 60 had already signed up for the program, which was approved by the town's legislature and has been dubbed "Happy Penis," or "Pinto Alegre" in Portuguese.

The sun shines all day, the people are scantily clad, and there is free Viagra for everybody.

It sounds like heaven on earth doesn't it?

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Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.