Tuesday, May 08, 2007

America is getting more and more comfortable with the idea of impeachment.

Few serious observers think things will ever get to actual impeachment. And yet the American public seems more open to the concept than many imagine, according to a new national poll. The implications of this public sentiment could be huge for the 2008 presidential elections.

Our InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion poll asked this:

"Would you favor or oppose the impeachment by Congress of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney?"

Favor: 39 percent.
Oppose: 55 percent.
Undecided/Don't Know: 6 percent

Come on folks don't be afraid. Impeachment of a bad President is not a bad thing. Impeaching a man who got a blow job and then lied about it is stupid, but impeaching a man who lied us into a war and has been breaking Constitutional laws at a breakneck pace is the most patriotic thing we can do.

Someday when my grandchildren ask me if I supported the impeachment of the worst President in American history, I am going to proudly reply "Yes, my child I was among the first of the true patriots who dared to speak the truth and call for an accounting of that terrible man and his corrupt administration."

And I know that many of the visitors to this site and many other liberal sites will be able to count themselves in that same group of true Americans.

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