Wednesday, May 16, 2007

China reminds America that it owns our ass.

Chinese officials on Tuesday ruled out major changes demanded by U.S. lawmakers in Beijing's currency controls ahead of a high-level meeting and called on critics in Congress not to politicize trade disputes.

The Finance Ministry official said China is "firmly against any threatening rhetoric or steps to politicize economic issues," saying that would harm the economic interests of both parties.

We owe China billions, perhaps hundreds of billions of dollars, and if they decide to call in those markers they will destroy the U.S. economy.

This is how George Bush has been able to fund this disaster of a war without raising our taxes. Bush does not "pay as he goes", he is going to leave this gigantic debt on the heads of our children. He is the kind of person who never considers the true consequences of his actions and does not really care since his world view tells him hat Jesus is coming and when the Rapture happens all of his debts will be wiped out.

And this man was elected to run the most powerful nation on the planet twice!

(Hat tip to Skippy who brought my attention to this story.)

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