Sunday, May 06, 2007

Creation Museum is to Paleontology what Abstinence Only classes are to sex education.

It seems Noah solved the problem of fitting dinosaurs into his vessel by only taking baby dinosaurs. Indeed, the ark has a detailed display of many animals happily boarding the boat: dinosaurs cavort with giraffes, penguins, hippos, and bears.

Museum guides tell visitors that before Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise all of the dinosaurs were peaceful plant-eaters.

In Genesis 1:30 God gives ‘green herb’ to every creature to eat and so there were no predators. When a curious museum visitor asks, why exactly T. rex had six-inch long serrated teeth, the guides go on to explain that T. rex used his big teeth to open coconuts. Apparently it was only after Adam and Eve sinned and were cast out of paradise that the dinosaurs started to eat flesh.

So the sinning of Adam and Eve is the reason that Tyrannosaurus Rex began gobbling up other dinosaurs? Fucking selfish bastards! So just because Adam and Eve wanted to get enlightened and to be allowed to use their brains to do more then just follow God's directions like a couple of toddlers they screwed up this entire planet!

You know I have never really had an opinion about Adam and Eve before, but now I just hate their knowledge seeking guts!

But seriously I have to say that any parent who takes their children to this "museum" to learn about dinosaurs should be arrested for child abuse.

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