Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Even the conservative blogs are starting to get tired of the Republicans.

One of the most prominent conservative blogs has started a crusade against Republicans who it says continue to promote ethically questionable congressmen and ignore the will of their base.

"A group of men and women across this nation ... are tired of defending a party that continually puts into positions of power known perverts, louts, and corrupt common criminals," RedState.com editor Erick Erickson wrote in a post Monday outlining his "battle plan" against Republican leaders. "We must be willing to wage war upon them until they bend to common sense and decency."

RedState is encouraging its readers to refuse to support Republican re-election efforts until Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) is booted from the House Appropriations Committee. The site, which averages more than 25,000 visits per day, posted a "declaration of war" against Republican leaders Friday.

You know I am loathe to give any support for a conservative blog (though with 25,000 hits a day they hardly need my help), but I feel morally obligated to mention when somebody demonstrates integrity or has to change their point of view based on the evidence.

So if Redstate.com is demonstrating this kind of moral integrity I am willing to say that I respect them for doing so. And that I hope many other conservative bloggers, and other supporters of the conservative agenda, do the same. It will probably have much more impact then anything that I or most of the other "liberal" bloggers could possibly have.

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