Friday, May 04, 2007

How is the US responding to the desires of the Iraqis whose country they are occupying? Not one little bit.

American forces have completed construction of a concrete wall around the Baghdad district of Adhamiya despite protests from the Iraqi prime minister and local residents who claim that they are now at the mercy of militants.

The wall was intended to help control the activities of militants in the predominantly Sunni Muslim district. But it remains a bastion of extremist al-Qa'eda linked groups. Parts of the district are so thick with armed militants that they are no-go zones to coalition forces.

Capt Mohammad Jasim, an Iraqi soldier manning a checkpoint on the Adhamiya bridge, said: "The Americans did not listen to us. We think this wall has made the area inside the wall more dangerous for people.

So apparently we were able to capture the Iraqi's hearts and minds, and then contain them behind this wall so that we don't have to deal with them anymore.

Do we ever do anything right in this country?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:05 PM

    divide and rule this what west has been doing thru the centuries.when the people are against the occupires who are there to rob the iraqi people of there is another inhuman and shameless act on the part of americans dividing the people in their own country and building walls of distrust and is totally disgusting.


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