Saturday, May 12, 2007

Parents who love their children are confounding military recruiters. Oh poor baby!

The biggest obstacle for U.S. military recruiters is not finding young Americans willing to enlist in wartime, it's dealing with their parents, according to the Pentagon.

That reality, which has emerged over the past year through polling data and recruiters' experiences throughout the United States, has led some parts of the U.S. military to seek new ways to either convince parents or simply bypass them.

"By pass them"? So the military solution to parents keeping their children from throwing their lives away is to simply to remove them from the equation. Is this another example of promoting family values?

"Hey if your parents won't let you do something stupid, just ignore them!"


And what would make these parents stop their kids from enlisting?

Many parents of high school- and college-aged Americans belong to the Vietnam War generation and some say the experience affected the advice they give their children.

But others say the Iraq war has played just as big a part in their decision to discourage enlistment.

Nora Barrett, a university professor in New Jersey, said her advice to her 18-year-old son and to students is driven by a fear they'll be hurt in Iraq and her opposition to the war overall.

"I'm actually very much against this particular war," Barrett said. "There's nothing that could be said that would convince me that it was a good idea for Tim to go."

So the educated people in these kids live who have a sense of history and are aware of current events are telling them not to participate and the military wants them to be ignored.

Well in my opinion that makes the military anti-family and anti- American.


  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Any kid can join the military and train for a specialty as a cook, data entry specialist, truck mechanic, whatever. They don't have to go in harm's way. They still get the benefits, pay and experience. That's what I found objectionable about all the draft dodgers of the Vietnam era. They weren't concientious objectors-just slacker assholes. It's the same parents who are the assholes now.

  2. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Know an asshole?

    Go to

  3. Any kid can join the military and end up in Iraq, regardless of the job he/she was trained for. Watch Iraq for Sale to hear stories of soldiers trained for one thing and doing something else entirely... in Iraq.


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