Saturday, May 05, 2007

What are our soldiers fighting for if their children can be taken from them while they are deployed?

Iowa Guardsman Mike Grantham thought he was serving the best interests of his children when he arranged for his son and daughter to stay with his mother before reporting for duty in August 2002. She lived a few blocks from the kids' school in Clarksville, Iowa, and he figured, "There wouldn't be much disruption."

He had raised Brianna and Jeremy since his 2000 divorce, when ex-wife Tammara turned physical custody over to him.

After mobilizing, Grantham was served with a custody petition from Tammara, delivered to his unit's armory. His lawyer tried twice to request a stay under the federal law. His commanding officer even wrote a letter stating that Grantham's battalion was charged with protecting U.S. facilities deemed national security interests and that his case would cause the entire command structure "to refocus away from the military mission."

The trial judge nevertheless held hearings without Grantham and temporarily placed the children with Tammara. A year later, though Grantham had returned from duty, the judge made Tammara the primary physical custodian.

An appeals court later sided with Grantham, saying: "A soldier, who answered our Nation's call to defend, lost physical care of his children ... offending our intrinsic sense of right and wrong."

But the Iowa Supreme Court disagreed, saying Tammara was "presently the most effective parent."

I once was in a custody battle for my daughter many years ago. It is the most painful experience you can imagine, and to have to go through it simply because your President wants to get revenge on the man who embarrassed his daddy is just about as unfair as life gets.

As if just putting these brave men and women's lives in danger were not enough now some of them may lose the most precious things in their lives.

I have said it again, but it bears repeating, George Bush hates our country and our military especially. And don't believe a word he says to he contrary.

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