Monday, June 18, 2007

Buddhism revives the dead! Take that Jesus!

An 87-year-old man in Taiwan Province who was thought to be dead awoke while relatives recited Buddhist prayers for hours at his mourning hall.

I may have to do a little more studying on Buddhism in the future. I spent that last six months devouring books on Taoism. I feel very peaceful most of the time. Except when I talk about the war, or George Bush, or the Republicans.

But what do you expect? I am only human after all.

1 comment:

  1. see prayer does work....


    Taoism eh? peaceful eh?

    well I am a bad buddhist ( according to my son - because I kill bugs in the dogs food bowl...) and I know it has not helped me feel the raging Bush nausea.....sigh....

    ( seeing the Whole lot of them wearing the Libby Orange Scrubs and being hauled away might bring me great peace....a girl can dream right ???)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.