Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Congress is looking for the weak link in the US Attorney scandal. Is Harriet Miers it?

Two congressional committees are issuing subpoenas for testimony from former White House counsel Harriet Miers and former political director Sara Taylor on their roles in the firings of eight federal prosecutors, according to two officials familiar with the investigation.

Democrats probing whether the White House improperly dictated which prosecutors the Justice Department should fire also are subpoenaing the White House for all relevant documents, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the move had not yet been formally made public.

The Democrats have been almost laughingly impotent at making any progress on this case. Or for that matter any other investigation into White House wrongdoing.

But I am not laughing. These are very serious concerns and we really do need to get to the bottom of the corruption that seems to permeate this Bush administration and everything they touch.

If Harriet Miers can be the straw that snaps this stubborn camels back then I hope they verbally slap that bitch into next week. All we need is one insider to start spilling their guts and this house of cards will start to crumble.

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