Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Gay is coming and the GOP can't do anything about it.

On no issue is history moving faster than on "gay rights"--an already antiquated term for full and equal participation and acceptance of gay men and women in American life. The work is not finished, of course, but what took black Americans more than a century, gays have accomplished in two or three decades (thanks in no small part to blacks, who designed the template for this kind of social revolution). We still argue about it, but the whole spectrum of debate has moved left. A right-wing thug like Tom DeLay or Newt Gingrich probably has more advanced views about homosexuals than dainty liberals of the past century like Adlai Stevenson or Hubert Humphrey. And whatever the actual views, public expressions of overt homophobia are now unacceptable from any national politician.

The debate of 14 years ago about gays in the military seems almost quaint. Kids grow up today with gay friends, gay parents, gay parents of friends and gay friends of parents. If only blacks and whites were as thoroughly mixed together in society as gays and straights are. Kids are also exposed constantly to an entertainment culture in which gays are not merely accepted but in some ways dominant. You rarely see a reality show without a gay cast member, while Rosie O'Donnell is a coveted free agent and Ellen DeGeneres is America's sweetheart. The notion that gays must be segregated out of the military for the sake of our national security must strike Americans younger than, say, 40 as simply weird, just as we of the previous generation find the rules of racial segregation weird. (O.K., run that by me again: they needed separate drinking fountains because ... why?)

The article goes on to say that the Republicans are essentially trying to stop a flood by putting their finger in the dyke. (Sorry I just could not resist)

But there is much less fear of homosexuality now then since its supposed "heyday" in ancient Greece. We have openly gay singers, gay talk show hosts, gay athletes, gay actors, gay politicians, and even gay preachers. (Of course these guys have to go to the church based "gay away" program to get the gay out. But we all know that they still love the dudes.)

Anyhow it is ridiculous to continue to vilify people who have a different sexual preference then you do. Hell we all have differing sexual preferences, we just don't talk about it. (I like smart, attractive women. See what a pervert I am?)

If the Republicans keep trying to scare people by using the gay card they are going to find themselves being laughed out of many debates. So I guess I would encourage them to keep using the gay card. I don't want those simply bastards running my country anyhow. They don't even understand evolution!


  1. Anonymous11:59 AM

    and on that note... HAPPY DADDY'S DAY!!!!!!!

    I love you Daddy

    even if I don't always pick up the phone *Smile

    Your Daughter

  2. Thank you Honey.
    I love you.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.