Saturday, June 16, 2007

Great article that lays out all the information about Iraq and Bush's war that we will ever need to know.

Much of this information may not be new to many of us, but when it is laid out like this it just makes me angry all over again at this administration.

They ignored history, lied, destroyed an entire country for selfish reasons, and have put all of us at risk.

Here are just a few of the excerpts that really got to me.

  • Saddam Hussein started his career as a political thug, on the payroll of the CIA during the 1950s and 1960s, torturing and murdering Iraqi leftists whose names were provided by American intelligence, and participating in an armed coup against the Iraqi government.
  • Right after 9/11, according to Clarke, “The president dragged me into a room with a couple of other people, shut the door, and said, ‘I want you to find whether Iraq did this.’ Now he never said, ‘Make it up.’ But the entire conversation left me in absolutely no doubt that George Bush wanted me to come back with a report that said Iraq did this. I said, ‘Mr. President. We’ve done this before. We have been looking at this. We looked at it with an open mind. There’s no connection.’ He came back at me and said, ‘Iraq! Saddam! Find out if there’s a connection’. And in a very intimidating way. I mean that we should come back with that answer. We wrote a report. It was a serious look. We got together all the FBI experts, all the CIA experts. We wrote the report. We sent the report out to CIA and found FBI and said, ‘Will you sign this report?’ They all cleared the report. And we sent it up to the president and it got bounced by the National Security Advisor or Deputy. It got bounced and sent back saying, ‘Wrong answer. … Do it again’.”
  • To this day Bush says in his speeches that Saddam did not comply with the UN, that Saddam kicked the inspectors out of Iraq, and that Bush had Security Council authorization to invade. None of those statements are true.
  • As a result of this war, over 3,500 Americans are dead, and perhaps 20,000 or so are gravely wounded. Americans have not been allowed to see the caskets returning to Dover Air Force Base.
  • The best, most scientific, and least politicized estimate of Iraqi dead suggests that probably close to one million have now perished in the country’s post-war chaos, out of a population of 25 million.

Now if this is new information to you then I am glad you finally turned off FOX News and decided to learn the truth. Welcome to you.

But more likely you have already read all, or most, of this information. However I think it is important that we continue to revisit these facts and remind ourselves just how incredibly incompetent and deceitful this administration has proven itself to be.

And to always remember that they are never going to be a source of truth on any subject about this war or anything that shows them in a bad light.

If you are lovers of the truth then you are going to have to skip much of the mainstream media which still acts like a mouthpiece for the White House. (Anybody notice the misinformation about Iran that CNN has been promoting?)

But you can find that truth here and on many of the sites listed on my blogroll. We may not be trained journalists, but we also cannot be bought off or pressured by our advertisers to tell falsehoods. We are an eclectic bunch but we are passionate about getting to the truth.

(By the way if you would rather watch the truth on television rather then search for it on the Internet, then allow me to direct you to "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann and "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart. They are both very entertaining and will give you the real story that you may not get from many other news outlets.)


  1. And you wouldn't have access to that information if not for net neutrality, which is under attack. We all need to seriously get behind FreePress. When net neutrality goes away it's corporate media alone that will inform the public.
    If that doesn't terrify you, nothing will.

  2. great post.....excellent...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.