The Senate will hold a politically-charged vote Monday related to a no-confidence resolution in the embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.
In a statement issued Friday, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-New York, an author of the no-confidence resolution, said if all senators followed their conscience, ‘this vote would be unanimous.’”
“However, the president will certainly exert pressure to support the attorney general, his longtime friend,” Schumer added. “We will soon see where people’s loyalties lie.”
A lot of Republicans have apparently been talking behind closed doors about having lost faith in Gonzales, lets see if they are willing to go public with those concerns.
I have to imagine that this is the last thing that most of these Republicans want on the front pages on a Monday. Which means it may be time to have another terrorist scare! Everybody get ready to panic!
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It just goes directly to their thighs.