Saturday, July 07, 2007

I am no fan of sexual harrassment, but should this guy be in trouble?

A man who told two women they were extremely beautiful was arrested on charges of harassment last week, Denver police said.

Police said 32-year-old Jeff John Hergert approached the women and "expressed interest in them." He told each woman in two separate incidents that they were extremely beautiful and that they should consider modeling.

Hergert was arrested and is being held on two counts of harassment. He is being held on a $10,000 bond.

Did it really diminish the women or make them feel threatened to have this guy compliment them and suggest that they model?

He may be guilty of being boorish and a pig, but should he really have to pay a fine? I just think that this is an overreaction.

Any how you can read the story for yourself here.

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