Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Iraq is so dangerous now that members of Congress cannot spend the night, even in the Green Zone!

U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann continued to stand by President Bush's military surge in Iraq, two days after returning from a congressional trip that put her in the line of fire while visiting Baghdad.

Security conditions in Iraq prevented Bachmann from meeting any Iraqis, leaving the Green Zone or staying in Iraq overnight. She and other congressional members were required to wear full body armor, including Kevlar helmets, during the entire trip, she said.

Wow this is encouraging. This Buchanan woman believes that the surge is working even though she was in Baghdad for less then a day, had to wear head to toe body armor, and found that it was too dangerous for her to talk to any Iraqis.

But aren't there Iraqis in the Green Zone? Is it too dangerous for her to talk to them? Is it because the military knows that once one of these friendly Iraqis found that a member of Congress was in the area that information would immediately get out and the Green Zone would be attacked? Is that why there was a mortar attack?

I know I asked a lot of questions with this post but I just have to ask one more, are these people out of their fucking minds!


  1. I'm going to start mass producing kevlar burquas. Gonna make a million dollars!

  2. Lynne, you are a credit to capitalism!

    But damn those are going to be hot!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.