Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I knew that there was something rotten about this guy.

Robert Murray insists that his company did not change the mining plan at Crandall Canyon after purchasing a joint interest in the mine last August. But documents obtained by The Salt Lake Tribune clearly contradict Murray's assertion, and show that Murray's company sought and received approval from federal regulators to make a significant, and, experts say, risky change to the mining strategy.

Records of the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) show that, after Murray acquired a 50 percent ownership in the mine on Aug. 9, 2006, his company repeatedly petitioned the agency to allow coal to be extracted from the north and south barriers - thick walls of coal that run on both sides of the main tunnels and help hold up the mine.

Have you ever seen anybody for the first time and just knew that you did not like them or believe anything they said? Well that is what happened to me when I first laid eyes on this Murray sleazebag. He immediately struck me as somebody who was desperately trying to endear himself to the world before the facts came out about the mine collapse. I knew he was lying, and I was right.

Those six men became trapped because this bastard wanted to make money more then he wanted to keep his employees safe. And then three more men died trying to rectify the mistake that he made.

I hope that we see this guy prosecuted with the full strength of the law, and if any of his Republican buddies want to try and protect him I would love to see them lose their next re-election bid. That would be a little thing I like to call justice.

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