Thursday, August 23, 2007

Now this news makes me happy.

The chairman of the U.S. Senate committee that oversees workplace safety today sought a massive load of documents relating to Utah's Crandall Canyon Mine.

That request, made to the Department of Labor, comes as congressional scrutiny begins of the coal mine where three rescue workers died last week, and six miners remained trapped and feared dead.

Meanwhile, another congressional committee has already scheduled the first of what could be many hearings on the mine disaster.

A Senate Appropriations subcommittee set a hearing for the day after the chamber resumes session, Sept. 5. It has asked for testimony by Richard Stickler, head of the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration; Bob Murray, the co-owner of the Utah mine; and Cecil Roberts, head of the United Mine Workers of America.

In preparation for what could be another hearing, Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., who heads the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, asked Labor Secretary Elaine Chao for a laundry list of documents.

Among them are any petitions to change the mining plan at the site, and any inspections performed in the mine - along with any notes or memos between the mine operators and Mine Safety and Health Administration officials.

I want this guy brought to justice in the worst way.


  1. You're in luck. Justice in the worst way is usually what we have in this country

  2. hmmmm, looks like the Governor of Utah is taking a stand....looks like he does not accept what Murray has "safe"...looks like he has commonsense...


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