Thursday, August 23, 2007

What is the percentage of Americans that are completely ignorant? 41% and thanks for asking.

Some 41% of Americans now believe the U.S. made the right decision in using military force against Iraq, down from 45% in April of 2007. A 53% majority now say that using military force against Iraq was the wrong decision. And the number saying the U.S. military effort is not going well stands at 59% in the current survey.

There is a commercial that I see about three times a day which starts off saying "people are smart", and whenever I hear it I think "that is just not true."

There are a whole lot of stupid, uneducated, simple minded people who do not know what to think until somebody tells them. These are the low hanging fruit that Karl Rove was so good at plucking for his own devious ends.

I don't want to be a "hater" but some of these people should be made to pass a test before being given a ballot.


  1. One of the ancient Greek philosophers, I don't remember which one, expressed the doubt that democracy would work because it allowed "just anyone" to vote. Even our own nation originally allowed only landowning, white males to vote.

  2. Well I am not suggesting that we return the white male dominated form of democracy of the past, but I am just constantly frustrated by the fact that many people vote on little information about the candidates and even less information about the issues.

    These are the same people who purchase pills because their legs are twitchy.

    I just don't think it serves our country well to have people with such underdeveloped intellects choosing the leader of our country.

  3. and the problem with ignorant people is that they are too stupid to know what that means in the long run....their attention span only lasts to the next commercial....


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It just goes directly to their thighs.