Sunday, September 23, 2007

Do you have $500,000 to spare? Well that is how much the Iraq war is costing us PER MINUTE!

The Iraq war has certainly been costly in terms of lives lost, with thousands of U.S. military personnel dead, and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who have been killed. Also, the economic costs are far greater than most people imagine, with more than $1 trillion tax dollars spent in the first four years of the war.

One trillion dollars equals $720 million spent each day, or $500,000 per minute. The taxpayer money spent on the war is displacing millions of Iraqis and destroying their hospitals and schools instead of supporting health care, education and housing for people in our own communities.

We have so much need in this country to provide universal health care, to fight poverty, to improve education, and to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.

But instead we are spending our money to kill people in a country that never did anything to us. And don't give me that shit about Al-Qaeda in Iraq, because they were not there until we invaded and gave them a foothold in a country which had no use for them before.

We are literally sending our soldiers into Iraq just to survive the experience. It is like running an extremely dangerous gauntlet. And there reward for surviving is the opportunity to run it again!

And in the meantime our government is paying private security forces (see Blackwater) ten times what they pay our soldiers, to help American companies rob our treasury of even more of our tax dollars.

The reasons to end this war number in the trillions, trillions of dollars that is. And what were the reasons for staying again?

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