Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I pointed this out yesterday and today it is proven accurate. I am like Nostradamus or something.

A leaked Democratic poll has suggested that Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner in the race for the party's presidential nomination, could lose the 2008 election because of her "very polarised image".

The private memo, leaked to The Washington Post, painted what researchers described as a "sobering picture" for Democrats who believe that President George W Bush's disastrous favourability numbers almost guarantee they will capture the White House next year.

All party preference polls show that Democrats are much more popular than Republicans. But when the names of individual candidates are used, the gap narrows considerably.

"The images of the two early [Democratic] favourites are part of the problem," the memo said.

The leaked poll found that Mr Giuliani, a centrist Republican with liberal stances on issues such as abortion and gay rights, leads Mrs Clinton by 49 per cent to 39 per cent in the swing districts.

The poll found that Mrs Clinton, in particular, could damage the chances of congressional Democratic candidates on the ballot. The sensitivity of the issue was underlined by the reluctance of Democrats to discuss the survey.

Okay I am obviously joking about being Nostradamus, since anybody who has been paying attention could have reached the same conclusion.

The very first time I remember hearing the theory that Hillary was a lock for the Democratic nomination, it came from Pat Buchanan. Now Buchanan may have been pretty vocal lately in criticising the Iraq war, but he still carries the Republican water when needed.

It has been obvious for some time that the Republicans WANT to run against Hillary. They think that she is their best chance to hang onto the Presidency.

I also still think that they have a backdoor deal with the Republicans that Hillary will not support a criminal investigation against George Bush after he leaves office. For this reason alone i would not support Hillary's nomination.

Come on people! Don't let yourself be manipulated again! Nominate Obama, or Edwards, or Richardson, or anybody but Hillary!

Why are Democtrats so fucking stupid?


  1. hmmm why are they so fucking stupid? I have no idea..none...great post...are you Nostradamous?hmm..time will tell...

    ( hopefully you are not him , he died alone and with people laughing at him...)

  2. Yep, I am pretty sure that is how I am going to go.

    Nice to have you back among the living. I take it your recent health difficulty has passed?

  3. my one eyed situation is improving....I was down to reading only 3 blogs a day...that was too harsh...and so awful....but I have gotten over the hump...I will go get a pressure check at Walmart and hopefully the eyeball will heal...and the vision will improve..time will tell....but as long as I can read again I am happy...but thanks..


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It just goes directly to their thighs.