Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New Hampshire poll shows Clinton well out in front.

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has significantly increased her lead over rival Barack Obama in the crucial early-voting state of New Hampshire, according to a CNN/WMUR poll conducted by the University of New Hampshire released Tuesday.

The New York Democrat registered 43 percent in the latest poll, 23 points more than Obama, an Illinois senator. In a similar poll conducted in July, only 9 points separated the candidates, with Clinton then at 36 percent and Obama at 27 percent.

This just pisses me off!

All day I have been hearing how Hillary is ahead because people believe she has the best chance of beating the Republicans. No she doesn't! You are being manipulated by the Republicans and the media!

Edwards can beat the Republicans!

Obama can beat the Republicans!

Richardson can beat the Republicans!

Biden can beat the Republicans!

Dodd can beat the Republicans!

Kucinich can beat the Republicans!

Hell, Gravel might even be able to beat the Republicans!

As a matter of fact Hillary might be the one candidate that the Republicans CAN beat! And what makes anybody think she can do the job? Because she has Bill? If she did not have Bill by her side would anybody even consider her for this nomination? Be honest.

Now let me lay this on you. An Edwards/Obama ticket would be bulletproof! There is not a damn thing that the Republicans could throw at that dynamic duo that they could not slap down. Nothing. If that was the Democratic ticket for 2008, they would stroll into he White House without any serious opposition. You could bet your house on it!

So stop listening to the MSM. Hillary is NOT a lock for this nomination. I don't care how much the Republicans want it to be true.


  1. sorry gman..you will just have to keep pounding this...people are stupid...period.

  2. Kucinich and Gravel are not polling well because the polls aren't asking about them!
    I'm an unabashed Kucinich supporter. The more I read on his site the more I like him. He is one of the few running that is NOT a corporate tool.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.