Sunday, September 23, 2007

Somebody bought somebody off.

Iraq will not take immediate steps to expel U.S. security firm Blackwater, under investigation over a shooting which killed 11 Iraqis a week ago, a government security official said on Sunday.

The Iraqi government and U.S. officials have agreed to set up a joint inquiry into the work of private security companies like U.S.-based Blackwater, which many Iraqis see as private armies acting with impunity.

In what appeared to be a further softening of Iraq's response to the shooting, a government spokesman for Baghdad security said Blackwater and other private security companies were doing important work guarding foreign diplomats.

So there will be no justice for those murdered Iraqis?

I guess the bottom line is that there is an enormous amount of money flowing into Iraq, and neither the Americans nor the Iraqi "government" want to see it stop.

Is there no problem that American money cannot make go away?

Well we can't seem to buy ourselves a victory now can we?

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