Thursday, November 15, 2007

I only saw half of the debate because they put it on opposite Countdown. Like I am going to miss Keith for these bozos!

  • I really enjoyed watching the rest of the pack hammer Hillary on her Iran vote. That is a good indicator of her poor judgement.
  • Bill Richardson is boring. If he asks "why can't we all just get along?" again I am going to scream!
  • Joe Biden sounded very Presidential and was the first one to open the debate about Hillary's Iran vote, though he cowardly shouted out "That was not meant as an attack on Hillary!" Yes it was, man up!
  • Best line of the night goes to Kucinich who pointed out how many of the other Presidential hopefuls have changed their opinions from supporting certain issues to now being against them. His response was "Wouldn't you like to have a President who is right the first time?" I just loved that!
  • Kucinich also gets points for bringing up impeachment. If only he did not look like the Lucky Charms Leprechaun.


  1. I could hear you screaming from here- yes Bill whipped out his Diplomatic line....can we get along .....oh please....

    I took a break to watch the Office and I will watch Keith at MN...that is I only took a half hour off- ate way too many TUMS...threw greenis at the TV - which the dog ate...and Hill makes me ill....yikes...

    And SO does Wolf- that was the Worst Debate I have Ever Ever seen...

  2. Didn't you love the way the question would be framed for Hillary, then changed for everybody else? Changed, sometimes subtly, sometimes overtly, by Wolfie. Shouldn't the question be the same for everyone? And speaking of everyone, I don't know why Dennis K. doesn't just stand up & walk out after they keep ignoring him. He was visibly angry (as well he should be). And WTHF is up with Hillary unable to even discuss raising the wage cap on payroll taxes? Who has gotten to her on that issue? She says raising it would affect Firemen? Holy crap, when all else fails, mention Firemen, Hill.

    Now Enigma, I have seen worse debates ... the republican ones.

  3. Kucinich may look slight of build but he is a tenacious bulldog. Abraham Lincoln was no looker. Neither was Truman. FDR was in a wheelchair....

  4. I thought the best line was when Blitzer pointed out that Kucinich was the only one who voted against the Patriot Act and Dennis responded, "That's because I read it."

  5. Oooh that was a good line too.

  6. frigging thing is 420 pages long...long live the Keebler Elf and his Goddess...sigh...gotta love him...great line...

    ( he actually put wolfie in is his slimey little place a few was excellent- considerin' he had ALL of 5:37 minutes to do his stuff....)


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