Wednesday, November 14, 2007

NOVA takes on Intelligent Design.

I guess this was on yesterday, but I only happened across it today. And that blows because I would definitely like to see this!


  1. You can catch it later tonight, 4AM EST (I guess that's technically Thurs early AM), look it up for your area. I saw it last night & it's WELL worth it. It centers around the Dover PA school science class trial ... reenactment is a bit hokey. Michael Behe is a tool. Discovery Inst is a sham. Liars exposed = all good stuff. Record it!

  2. thanks gryphen..I always end up re-watching Good Things I missed....I think it will be re-run on PBS, usually the good stuff you can watch online...I watch alot of Frontline online ( because I end up missing stuff)....I will see if NOVA is re-run too....

  3. I wonder if you've seen "Flock of Dodos"? It was a humorous look at the ID controversy, but had more interviews with the actual dodos (vs reenacted). It also confronts why scientists keep having to swat this pseudosci-fly back. You can watch a mini-trailer:

  4. Great, don't worry, it will be rebroadcast...wonderful that the show showed the lies, lying under oath, false science, vandalism, death threats to teachers, you know, the stuff the religious right inherited from the inquisition.....
    The good guys were trying hard to keep from laughing, in the end more the Intelligent design experts refused to show and testify
    talk about a bunch of empty suits!!!


  5. the name alone" Intelligent Design" makes me laugh.....

    ( the people that talk about it with Great Fever and Gusto look like extras from Deliverance....sorry but it is true.... ex . Ted Haggard- tell me he could not have been sitting on that porch strumming a dueling guitar)


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