Saturday, December 08, 2007

It looks like CIA's destruction of those torture tapes is really going to screw up a lot of people's Christmas.

The Justice Department and the CIA's internal watchdog announced Saturday a joint inquiry into the spy agency's destruction of videotaped interrogations of two suspected terrorists as the latest scandal to rock U.S. intelligence gathered steam.

The review will determine whether a full investigation is warranted.

Well so far the President has claims he did not know about it until just recently.

Ex-deputy white house chief of staff Harriet Miers, told them not to destroy the tapes.

So, apparently, did ex-CIA chief Porter Goss.

Others who asked them not to destroy the tapes include Rep. Jane Harman and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, yet they were in fact destroyed.

They are trying to scapegoat this Jose Rodriguez fellow, but I think we can all conclude that this came from much higher up.

Has anybody bothered to ask Dick Cheney?

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