Saturday, January 05, 2008

Nurses would like all Americans to receive "Cheney care".

The California Nurses Association (CNA)/National Nurses Organizing Committee (NNOC) launched a national campaign today in favor of what the group has dubbed "CheneyCare" -- guaranteed, publicly-funded health care for all Americans.

The campaign was inspired by the success of the group's Iowa ads declaring that Vice President Dick Cheney "would be dead" if he did not have publicly-funded health care. A new version of the Iowa ad asking Americans to sign a petition for "CheneyCare" will run today in eight New Hampshire papers before going national in the New York Times, Washington Post, and USA Today, as well as leading political blogs, on Monday.

"All Americans have the right to the quality of care that our Vice-President, President, and Congress already have," said Rose Ann DeMoro, Executive Director of CNA/NNOC and a vice-president of the AFL-CIO. "All the leading Democratic proposals fall well short of "CheneyCare," keeping insurance companies at the apex of power and allowing them to deny care that can save lives. The Republican proposals are even worse."

Oooh I like these people!

That is an inspired approach to making an important argument.

I, for one, would certainly like to receive even a fraction of the kind of constant medical care that is available to Cheney, Bush, the Senate, or the House members.


  1. okay when I first read this...I stroked....then In read the WHOLE piece...sorry..

    wow...those smart nurses....who knew Nurses were so smart ?

  2. Edwards has said he would push congress toward universal health care legislation by threatening to take away THEIR cushy health care (which he has no power to do, but still) if they don't.

    Somewhere I read that the party difference is: Dems want to help people afford health insurance, while repubs want to penalize people who can't afford health insurance.

    maybe enigma knows if cheney gets the nicest nurse care, cuz I'm betting he gets the coldest bedpan & painful butterfly IV's & let's not even THINK what might be in his mashed potato dinner!

  3. Hmmm DK are you implying that there might be Spit Service...hmmm?

    and yup...cold bedpans can really teach manners quickly......that I have heard...that 's right I heard it somewhere.....I would never.....


  4. well I guess "spit service" is the nice way of saying what I was implying. I'm sure Cheney has his share of male nurses. OK, I know, I've gone overboard now. But about those cold bedpans, hospitals always have plenty of ice paks handy, so that would be easy (and fun). Why, just thinking of "taking care" of Cheney has made me feel all Nurse Diesel ... except he would probably LIKE it, so ... urgghh!

  5. welllll all of us have a little Nurse Rachet inside...longing to provide "service"


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