Sunday, March 23, 2008

As John McCain returns from Iraq with news of success, violence erupts in his wake.

Rockets and mortars pounded Baghdad's U.S.-protected Green Zone Sunday and a suicide car bomber struck an Iraqi army post in the northern city of Mosul in a surge of attacks that killed at least 57 people nationwide.

The latest violence underscored the fragile security situation and the resilience of both Sunni and Shiite extremist groups as the war enters its sixth year and the U.S. death toll in the conflict approaches 4,000.

McCain has just returned all jazzed up about how great things are going in Las Baghdad.

I wonder why he is not willing to recognize the truth?

The key to victory -- and probably the White House next fall -- McCain said, is whether American casualties start to rise again. If the surge is seen as failing, McCain warned, support for the war will evaporate.

"I am confident about this strategy," he declared. "I will stick with it under any circumstances. But I don't know if the American people will stick with it."

Oh I get it. If the surge fails, McCain fails. I guess that is why he has to lie to the American people about how successful it has been.

Gee another President who lies about our success in Iraq. Who wouldn't be desperate to vote for him?

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