Saturday, March 22, 2008

Obama speech is inspiring Easter sermons across the country.

Some pastors began to rethink their sermons on Tuesday, when Senator Barack Obama gave a speech about race, seeking to calm a furor that had erupted over explosive excerpts of sermons by his pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.

The controversy drove the nation to the unpatrolled intersection of race and religion, and as many pastors prepared for their Easter message they said they felt compelled to talk about it. Their congregants were writing and e-mailing them: some wanted to share their emotional reactions to Mr. Obama’s speech; others asked how Mr. Wright, the minister, could utter such inflammatory things from the pulpit.

Some ministers interviewed over the last several days said they would wait until after Easter to preach on it all, because Easter and headlines do not mix. But others said there was no better moment than Easter, when sanctuaries swelled with their biggest crowds of the year, and redemption was the dominant theme.

So even before Obama becomes our President he has already created a dialogue that is sweeping the nation.

Isn't this what our leaders are supposed to do? Inspire us?


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Thank you, I hadn't thought about it that way, that leaders should inspire us to think. I guess that comes from 7 years of being talked down to, treated as if we, the American People, are unable to think.

  2. we are susposed to talk to each other again...we haven't for many years now....inspire us and get us talking to each other again....that is what Change is...and it is Not a bad thing....

    we will never be the same....

  3. Obama has also retaken the lead in the national daily tracking polls over the Borg Queen.

    The American people know when a candidate is being bamboozled by their opponent.

  4. Yeah it amazing how fast his numbers rebounded in the polls.

    You know that is one of the fundamental differences between Barack and Hillary. His numbers are consistently high and take the occasional dip based on news, whereas hers are consistently lower and take the occasional surge due to breaking news before returning to normal.

    That is just a testament to Obama's consistency on the issues and his personal appeal.


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