Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hillary may have been a fighter, but Obama uses inspiration to win his battles.

Mark McKinnon, the lead media consultant for Sen. John McCain's (Ariz.) presidential bid, is stepping down from that role -- making good on a pledge he made last year not to work against Sen. Barack Obama (Ill.) in the fall campaign.

McKinnon confirmed his decision to The Fix this afternoon. "I'll be transitioning, shifting position from linebacker to head cheerleader," said the always-colorful McKinnon. He added that he would continued to be a "friend and fan" to the campaign.

"I just don't want to work against an Obama candidacy," McKinnon told Cox Washington bureau chief Ken Herman; electing Obama, he added, "would send a great message to the country and the world." McKinnon said at the time he would vote for McCain.

Wow! Now this is an entirely different paradigm for winning an election.

"We will just inspire the opposition to walk away from the contest."

Damn, how does John McCain fight the attrition of his own campaign staff?

1 comment:

  1. this was good also means that he know that McSame is going to fight plenty dirty- and he wants no part of it...

    ( I am going to an Obama organizing meeting tonight....can't wait to hear what is going on..I will keep you posted..)


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