Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is why our children are so damn stupid.

One in eight U.S. high school teachers presents creationism as a valid alternative to evolution, says a poll published in the Public Library of Science Biology.

Of more than 900 teachers who responded to a poll conducted by Penn State University political scientist Michael Berkman and colleagues, 32 percent agreed that creationism and intelligent design should be taught as scientifically unsound. Forty percent said such explanations are religiously valid but inappropriate for science class.

However, 25 percent said they devoted classroom time to creationism or intelligent design. Of these, about one-half -- 12 percent of all teachers -- called creationism a "valid scientific alternative to Darwinian explanations for the origin of species," and the same number said that "many reputable scientists view these as valid alternatives to Darwinian theory."

This kind of thing is completely indefensible! These are supposed to be educators!

Creationism has no data! It has no theory! It has no evidence! And it has no place being taught in a classroom next to real science.

If they want to teach this crap they should start a class offering other pseudo sciences like Palmology, Astrology, Phrenology, and other bizarre ancient beliefs that now reside in the scientific junk pile.


  1. This is truly frustrating and bizarre. There is not ONE reputable scientist that has evidence to support ID, although there may be some scientists allowing their religious BELIEFS to influence their interpretation of the FACTS.

    I feel sorry for those kids, and I feel sorry for the 13% of teachers forced to teach ID when they absolutely know it is hogwash.

  2. Precisely! Put it in with a "myths and legends" class where it might merit about a week of hilariousness.


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