Friday, July 25, 2008

David Letterman talks to Jane Mayer author of "The Dark Side".

Watching Letterman running through the possible excuses that people can make for the horrible things done by this administration and having Jane Mayer slap each of them down could prove very informative to the many people who may not yet have formed a clear opinion on the issue of torture.

But it is also clear from watching Letterman's face that he feels much of the same frustration that most of us feel. That these crimes were done by our government and they are not, as of yet, being held accountable.


  1. sadly i think these thugs and criminals disguised as the bush administration will never be held accountable

  2. I agree dc, the truth will not come out for 20 or 30 years after they are all dead and gone. These crimes committed by our Gov't is the most disgusting and revolting thing that I have ever witnessed. All Americans have nothing to be proud of about the war in Iraq and how we treated the detainees.

  3. I hope and pray daily that they are held accountable for their crimes and that ALL of us that told the Truth and believed in Justice are here to see it....

  4. We need war crimes trials - to really hold the people responsible for these actions accountable. They cannot be allowed to evade justice.


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