Thursday, September 11, 2008

What to do when he is just not that into you.

I have seen people who are forced to appear in public together when there are hard feelings on one side or the other. This is clearly an example of that kind of dynamic.

My armchair psychiatric opinion on this is that Barack is clearly the one trying to patch up the relationship and Clinton just does not feel his needs are being met. He has not been treated deferentially enough, he has not been apologized to for the slight he feels he received from the Obama campaign, and he is just not feeling connected to a desire to see Barack win this election.

Clearly Clinton cannot get over the idea that Hillary should be the nominee in 2008.

In fact he may have actually wanted her to win even more then she wanted to win.

In my opinion Barack needs to watch his back. This is not a healthy relationship and Bill could turn on him the moment he feels it is politically safe to do so.


  1. Man, you are right...they could not even make eye contact.

  2. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Bill looked good, but thinner at the convention. Now he's looking even thinner. He's a guy who is prone to overweight. I'm hoping he's not ill.

    Again, thanks for your posts.

  3. Bill is so narcisstic that he can not effectively campaign for anyone anymore- that is why he was a disaster for Hillary too...


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