Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Will the Sarah Palin speech tonight be a "barn burner"?

Do not, I repeat do not watch this on an empty stomach, or while eating.

I keep hearing the Righties getting themselves worked up into a pre-orgasmic anticipation for the speech that Sarah Palin is going to deliver tonight.

But if you watch the videos above I think that the only thing you can take away is that she is a very poor speaker at best, and very possibly completely insane.

If they think that Sarah is going to get the same kind of response that Barack Obama gets then they must be mentally challenged.

Barack has an amazing voice and a commanding cadence to his speaking style.

Let's face it Obama could probably not place an order at McDonald's without drawing a crowd of inspired onlookers.


  1. thanks for posting showed her at the center practicing...sad...

    and then she went to the Airport to meet Daddy...

    ( do go over to Karen ZipDirve and have a laugh...)

    and Protestors are out in Force in Stpaul....very noisy for MSNBC....

    Chuck Todd interviewing Frist.....but he has not said anything about her- never met her...( HAS anyone met her????geez- was Grandaddy the only one that met her- she said that she "touched McCain" gag me... they gotta work on their talking points...2:45PM)

    God help me I am liveblogging tonight...Tums and Foul Mouth Jar ready...stop by to laugh at me...

    Hang in there- thank god for Internet Vetting...

  2. that is screwed up above- Frist made the McCain was touched by her statement- yuck...

  3. McCandy has a voice like those women who work at Home Shopping Network and sell low-end costume jewelry.

    "Oh, we have Estelle calling in from Tamarac, FL, who just bought the diamond Legend tiara!"

    If America embraces this ticket, it's the end of the country.

  4. except we all know that she would never sell the Tiara....

  5. Liveblogging Enigma?

    I don't think they make a Tums strong enough to fight what you are about to go through.

    No shit Chris, is her voice like nails on a chalkboard or what? I would not buy ANYTHING from this woman.

  6. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Is there a chance this video could be run 24 hours straight by CNN or MSNBC? This is incredible. And truly frightening.

  7. Oh sad... soooo sad...

    Nice to see Grampaw McLame decided to put the kids back in the spotlight, eh? They can hardly keep giving us shit now!

  8. Just saw her speech, everyone.

    She did not do what I think she needed to do. She should have introduced her record and accomplishments, her assets and a brief professional resume. She should have stayed positive about herself, giving explicit details, but she only touched on a couple of these things. She did not provide nearly enough to give the public a chance to get to know her.

    For most of her speech, she praised McCain's accomplishments (which are what, exactly? She was incredibly vague) POW experience, and then attacked Obama, to the extent that she actually lied a great deal about O's record, experience, accomplishments and policy statements.

    I would say half of her speech was the attack. Totally wrong approach. She actually indirectly slammed civil rights and habeas corpus. These things will not appeal to real Hillary supporters in my opinion.

    Her speech was mediocre. It was convoluted, poorly organized, and difficult to follow (several times, my husband asked "Where is she going with this?"). It was a base speech. She will not attract any independents with this speech, and certainly not any disenfranchised Dems.

    CNN seemed to love it, though.

    And she is, officially, the "attack dog" for the McCain campaign. She has no problem lying about Obama. Her voice and attitiude seemed to take on a little bit of an angry, self-righteous style when she attacked O.

    She is ruthless. I am now no longer mystified as to why she threw her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend and her daughter's boyfriend's family into the spotlight in her power grab.

    That being said, she is so unintelligent, vague, and disingenuous that I think Biden WILL BURY HER.

  9. CNN loved it because it was amazing. If I knew then what I know now about Obama I would have stayed with Hilary, what a waste of a vote for Obama.

    Where is Hilary when this party needs it.

  10. Wellsaid Jackie! All bluster, no substance. Now, that is a review I can get behind.

  11. "michael" CNN is just FauxNoise lite. So anything they think is just more propaganda, usually.

    Remember, it's already on record that Pat Buchanan, BIG NEOCON, said Obama's speech was the best political speech in the past 40 somthing years. Doubt any of those bitter RNC screeds are going to have that kinda review.

  12. Helen, Michael is just repeating the talking points. He was as withou substance as Palin. As someone who has done a great deal of public speaking, I can tell you her speech was blustering impenetrable non-substance.

    New York Times has reported (and provided video and audio to support) the story of Mike Murphy and Patty Noonan (longtime and well-known conservative party members) discussing, when they thought the cameras were off at the Republican National Convention, that the choice of Palin was bullshit, wrong, unexpected, and questioned why McCain could not have picked a more experienced woman. The party is near implosion, which is a shame, because we can all respect intelligent and well-spoken, conservatives, such as William F. Buckley.

    Palin is no Hillary Clinton. She does not have HRCs intelligence or competence. I have spoken with a number of HRCs supporters who are disgusted with McCain's pandering and his selection of this far-right hypocrite. I know of NO REAL HRC supporters who will vote McCain. Five or six months ago, Palin called Hillary - on video- a "whiner", then later (12 hours after McCain selected her) praised Hillary and her contribution. No substance and no honesty.

    Look, bottom line is she will not bring any sizable population of new voters to the McCain side. My husband is a fundamental Christian (I am not)and we have discussed at length Palin's decision to bring her pregnant daughter and her beau to the convention, to be paraded in front of the nation. He said that it was a big mistake, because it implies that the daughter is not repentant (and actually proud) of her sin of sex before marriage. Genuine fundamentalists will not be happy with this show.

    And liberals like me are disgusted with a woman who wants to tell everyone how they should teach their children the facts of life, but can't even do so to her own children.

    I would have respected Palin if she would have kept it positive and told the nation about herself and her qualifications, but she was unable to do so. She also slammed the media, which is something I cannot parse at all.

  13. Jackie, you and I are in such agreement, it's SCARY! Come by my blog, because I posted the Noonan/Murphy thing and I did a big long post on Ms. Armageddon's shortcomings on my blog today!

    Tonight sickened me further. Talking points & baseless insults, like you said and NO substance. It was like a cheerleading rally before a football game, not a serious discussion about how they'd lead the country.

    SO nice to run into you & hope you stop by my place. I really put a lot of work into today's post - I am trying my DAMNDEST to get people to realize what Palin is about and I SO agree that she is going to really offend a lot of the conservative base when they find out who she really is, and what she really stands for.

    There is a reason she has alienated many people (neighbors, relatives, friends).

    And, You rock.

  14. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Why is everyone saying this was a great speech? Am I missing something. Have Aliens taken over our media...Oh no ratings instead of truth have taken over media...
    It was a mean spirted speech that spoke nothing to Americans problems we are facing. McCaine and Sarah need to go home.

  15. Only the desperate neocons are claiming it was great. It just showed me that she's good at the required vitriol-spewing that seems to fire up their braindead base.

    That's OK though, the glow will wear off and all her scandals will be the focal point.


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