Saturday, October 18, 2008

More racist fallout from the McCain/Palin campaign as man in Ohio hangs Obama in effigy.

I think it is time for the FBI to be called in to investigate the McCain campaign for promoting racial hatred and contributing to an environment that is sure to produce a physical attack on Barack Obama or members of his campaign staff.

There are incidents like this one in Ohio being reported all over the country and it is NOT happening in a vacuum. It is being fed and nurtured by John McCain and Sarah Palin, and it needs to be addressed by law enforcement now!

P.S. By the way that other mannequin of McCain dressed in a KKK uniform is also extremely inappropriate. Both of these displays should be taken down.

Update: More racism and hate can be found here.


  1. These people are idiots but taking their displays down violates our freedom of speech, so as much as I hate it, I'd rather let his neighbors shame the shit out of him than the law intervene.

    I hate like hell that the KKK gets to march in parades but it's part of free speech (not that we have all that much of it any more really).

    You can't legislate this shit w/out removing those dwindling rights, frustrating as that is.

  2. Yeah Helen as much as I hate to admit it you are right.

    Besides how could we tell which ones are the bigots and assholes if they did not make it so easy for us?

    That Obama ghost thing really does bother me though.

  3. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I am sorry but it is about a US Senator. This is not about Freedom of speech. This is illegal and should be taken down. I could care less about Bush, but if it were bush hanging upside I would say it was illegal as well.
    Evil and disgusting.

  4. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The media needs to camp out and mention these peoples address and name. Maybe the neighbors need to organize a protest parade along with the NAACP. Call attention to these people and who they are. Humiliate them. Expose them. It works. Maybe we will find out they owe taxes and we can see the video of them in handcuffs going to jail!!!

  5. Thanks, Gryphen. I hate it like hell too, it's super disgusting. However, now the neighborhood knows who to shuh, eh?

    I don't believe that it is illegal, anonymous. Can you explain?

    The ACLU fights cases like this when the law DOES intervene. And I support the ACLU because without them, we'd have NO champion for our Constitutional rights at all. Just like kids who have worn stuff on T shirts and gotten expelled or people kicked off flights for the same thing. They end up being defended by the ACLU and winning. This appears to be the same thing, basically. It's not a 'hate crime' because he hasn't physically harmed another person.

    I don't believe this is illegal or unConstitutional; however, I suppose it could violate a local law. That was not clear anywhere in the article.

    And, just because you'd hate to also see a Bush effigy hanged (btw, it wouldn't be the same, as lynching is a totally different context when it comes to a black person than a white one), doesn't mean it's illegal.

  6. Anonymous5:45 AM

    I think it's funny that this guy can't spell. Just like the guy with the "Morans" sign. They speak for themselves.

    "Here, let me show you how ignorant I am...."

  7. Anonymous11:34 AM

    I don't see the outrage here about the guys in California hanging Gov. Palin in a noose. It doesn't matter white or is just wrong!!!!!!

  8. anonymous, I don't think you'll find anyone here argue that it was wrong to do it. But it's still not the same. Lynching of black people has a different historical context. The guy doing the Palin thing was a goofy Halloween gimmick. Sorta different, although in extremely bad taste.


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