Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Sarah Palin joke of the day.

Do you know the REAL difference between Sarah Palin and a female pitbull?

One is a potentially dangerous bitch known for her erratic behaviors, and with a history of turning on those who care for her.

And the other one is just a dog.
The picture is courtesy of my friend Enigma, over at Watergate Summer.


  1. And a friendly, loving dog at that!

    - Mauigirl, owner of Diva the Pit Bull Who Loves Everyone.

  2. Anonymous11:43 AM

    What's the only difference between a pigeon and the average American worker?

    The pigeon is the only one who can still make a deposit on a new car.

  3. and gee I thought it was going to be a joke about Neutering....shame on me....( this photo still cracks me up ;-0

  4. That is one of the greatest pictures I have ever seen

  5. Anonymous8:19 PM

    How can you find the truth when you are contributing to the propoganda


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.