Friday, November 21, 2008

Are you still worried that Sarah Palin will be a Presidential candidate in 2012? Then just watch this Countdown video and have your fears put to rest

Updated and moved up from yesterdays post!

So Governor Sarah pardons one turkey and then totally kills the image by standing in front of a veritable turkey slaughter while giving yet another incomprehensible interview.

This? This is the future of the GOP? If this is the best you have you people may as well just pack it in right now. This woman is a train wreck.

My favorite Sarah Palin quote from this interview? It has to be this one:

"Certainly we will probably invite criticism for even doing this too. But at least this was fun!"

You can almost hear every PETA member, animal rights activist, and Vegan across the country screaming at their televisions. That poor creature in the background is not the only one who met his end during this video.

Now that the Palin administration has finally had the fog lifted and realized just how badly this turkey fiasco is going to appear to people around the world, they are doing damage control.

And what is "damage control" according to Governor Sarah and her minions? Why its lie, lie, lie, and lie some more of course. Here is what they told Entertainment Tonight (Entertainment Tonight? WTF?):

"The [Alaska] governor did not know it was going on behind her," Palin's spokesperson tells ET of the reportedly grisly scene at Triple D Farm & Hatchery outside Wasilla. Cameras captured Palin extending the annual Thanksgiving pardon to one turkey while a farm hand slaughtered the bird's feathered friends in the background.

Palin's spokesperson tells ET the bird butchering wasn't going on when the shot was set up, and a cameraman "ignored" the governor's staff's request to remove the graphic sight once cameras were rolling.

"We're unhappy about it and the station is not happy either," Palin's rep tells ET, adding, "this was an attempt to lighten up and do something non-controversial."

Can you smell that? That is 100% grade A Turkey shit my friends!

You see Governor Sarah was ASKED IF SHE WANTED TO MOVE, and she said NO WORRIES!

I know that many of you are completely shocked, but I have to inform you that Governor Palin is a habitual liar who simply cannot admit wrongdoing and will lie right to your face without thinking twice about it.

The facts are that Sarah Palin simply is not intelligent enough to know how this episode would be received by the bulk of Americans, and now that she knows it may hurt her political aspirations she is trying to lie her way out of it. And this my friends is how Sarah Palin handles EVERYTHING!

Simply put, she is a joke.


  1. we were on the floor laughing over here. the guy holding the damned turkeys in that midevil "turkey-head-off-o-matic" just hangs out and watches Palin with that wacky smile. oh good LORD! good eats, eh Sarah?

  2. OMFG!!! That is all that was going through my mind while she was talking. I didn't even hear what she was saying. "No worries, eh?" I am quite sure that it did not bother her one bit.

  3. Anonymous8:42 PM

    TWO count them TWO turkeys had their throats slit and blood drained on camera in the time it took Sarah to give her interview... and after she pardons one turkey she says she's "in the right place now [to get her bird] for Thanksiving dinner!

    Where was Piper? I half expected her to go help the guy drain the turkey blood.



  4. Anonymous9:24 PM

    What's next for this douchebag - clubbing baby seals?

  5. Anonymous4:05 AM

    "friend to all creatures great and small..." except mooses, wolves, and anything else she wants to hunt.

    I'm still pissed about the aerial hunting of wolves.

    That video is perfect. She talks, talks, talks while totally oblivious to the carnage just behind her.

    So now we know how turkeys are killed. Well, all of us except Palin.

    "This was neat! I was happy to be able to participate in this!" and "This was fun."
    Except for the birds.

  6. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Ugh...if I didn't enjoy a turkey sandwich now and then, I would become a vegetarian. I couldn't even listen to what she was saying because I was so fixated on the guy chopping turkey heads off.

    Please, all they have to do is play this over and over again for the next four years. At this point, I would have to say reelection for governor is out of the question. Sarah is definitely the trainwreck from hell.

  7. The other tidbit about this interview - the cameraman ASKED Palin about moving and told her what was behind her BEFORE they started the interveiw, but she said it was ok - so you can't even say she was unaware. (Reported by Rachel Maddow and Morning Joe)

    I find it so ironic - it's like a metaphor or analogy for the whole Republican party - stage some big media event to look all warm, family friendly, and forgiving (i.e. pardon a turkey) - but behind your back grind up the constitution, human rights, our environment, integrity, and leave the American people a bloody mess and every one running around like a chicken with their head cut off but the Republican officials (i.e. Palin) just smile and keep on talking pretty (believing no one will no notice the carnage they are really doing).

  8. I'm having salad and cocktails for Thanksgiving and I am a farm girl. UGH.

  9. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Those darling kids over at are saying she was "set up by the media".

    Like she's a Stepford Governor.

    They want her to be strong and a role model for women, but they can't believe she knew exactly what she was doing when she did this interview.

    They're as schizo as Sarah Palin herself.

  10. poor, poor misunderstood sarah. good golly. she was set up by the media? that's why her staff sent a note to MSNBC's news office saying "No worries" about camera set up? sounds like her STAFF might have it in for her. check your diet dr. pepper, sarah.

  11. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I know alot of people that won;t eat turkey over this

  12. Well, this put an interesting and positive spin on it!

  13. Anonymous2:43 AM

    this interview demonstrates Sarah Palin's cunning ability to use the media for her own ends. For example, the turkey in the background is designed to appear accidental... in reality she put that flailing bird directly behind her to warn anyone who might oppose her rise to power: Submit now or die.

  14. Anonymous6:55 AM

    The reason this is a big deal, is NOT because turkeys are beheaded and drained at a farm for the rest of use to eat for Thanksgiving. We all now animals are grown for us to eat, and that is part of the process and the reality of farming. OK, we get it. This farmer is doing his job, albeit a gross one, and one that most of us could never do.

    The reason this is a big deal is because it shows you once again, the stupidity of Sarah Palin, and reinforces (for the upteenth time)the perception of her being a trainwreck that started the day she gave that interview to Katie Couric. SP never lets us down in that regard. Once you think she has sunk to her lowest depths, she does something even more stupid. Think of Brittany Spears without the meds...everyday it was a new adveture.Sarah is exactly like that...the gift that keeps on giving. SP needs her own Jamie Spears to protect her from herself, because she is so shockingly devoid of self awareness. The McCain camp quickly realized this once she was picked, and that's why they tried to keep her on script.

    That is why so many TV shows are begging for her. They want to be the next Katie Couric! They know she will be a ratings grabber, because she NEVER disappoints. New interview, new trainwreck.

    The interest has not ceased because there are still many scandals swirling around her...the house that Veco may or may not have built, ties to AIP, her wacky former church, the crazy Trig pregnancy and birth story, per diem reimbursements for staying in her own home, her kids travel expenses, the list goes on and on. If Brisol does not have her baby on on before December 18, the Trig controversy will be brought up again.

    Sarah needs to lay low, but won't because of her ego. She's like her Uncle Ted...thinks she's untouchable, but she will eventually be brought down by her own stupid mistakes and greed. SP doesn't get that most of America and the world is laughing at her and not with her.

  15. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I'm beginning to get the picture now about the phenomenon that is Sarah Palin.

    She does something stupid or insensitive or outright hateful, on camera and with complete documentation, then after the faux pas is proliferated through YouTube and on every news broadcast imaginable, she issues a statement blaming -- who else? -- the media!! It's all THEIR fault!

    Her lying after the fact has happened so many times that you'd think the news stations that keep reporting her misdeeds and subsequent statements would get wise, and just...not...follow...up with her fabrications.

    Supposedly Oprah and Barbara Walters and who-knows-who-else want her on their talk show for more face time. Will just ONE of them PLEASE ask her a few tough questions, and PLEASE follow up with any countercomments and video proof to whatever other lies she chooses to tell?


  16. Why does the name "Les Nessman" keep floating through my mind???


    Oh...the humanity!....


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