Sunday, November 16, 2008

SNL features Joe Biden trying to be as entertaining as Sarah Palin.

While I have no doubt that Sarah Palin would have kept the bank accounts of comedy writers overflowing with cash, I personally welcome the opportunity to look at both my future President and Vice President without feeling the need to apologize to the rest of the world.

Pretty funny clip though.


  1. The humor is OK...but not the best I've heard.

    Kind of makes Biden look like a bumbling idiot.

  2. I thought it was pretty hilarious myself.

    Actually Joe Biden has been known to say some pretty bumbling things - the remark about the crisis that would happen if Obama were elected was not very helpful!

    I do think he means well and is very knowledgeable despite things like that. But let's face it, he's easier for SNL to make fun of than Barack Obama, who really is pretty statesmanlike and hard to mock. They'll have nothing to do if they can't make fun of somebody in the new administration!

  3. Anonymous10:55 AM

    It makes Biden look dumb.
    Joe might have a tendency to run on, but stupid he's not.

  4. Biden runs at the mouth on occasion but he is miles ahead of Paling! She is a friggen ditz! it is nice to be proud of your leaders for a change. The entire world feels the hope and anticipation we are feeling. We will not be disappointed as long as we can keep Obama alive!

  5. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Palin is stupid! She is the reason Mcain lost. She is an eskim-ho


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