Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Texas Grand Jury indicts Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales for engaging in organized crime activites! Wow the good news just keeps coming!

Cheney is accused of investing some $85 million in the Vanguard group that houses federal inmates. The grand jury accuses Cheney and Alberto Gonzalez of engaging in organized criminal activity.

Un-freaking believable!

The fact that this is coming out of TEXAS of all places just makes it more perfect.

Okay Alaskans do you see what is happening in other parts of America? Don't be left out of the festivities! Let's start investigating more wrongdoing up here and put some more asses in prison!

Let's start with...oh I don't know...let's say...Don Young!

Sure why not? If we hurry and convict him perhaps he can even share a cell with his BFF Ted Stevens. The idea of the two of them together, dressed alike in orange jumpsuits, how does that not warm your heart?

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