Monday, December 08, 2008

Alaska's brand new Senator Mark Begich stops by "Morning Joe"

Scarborough acted like a total dick to Mark, and I hope that Begich ignores his requests for a return visit.

However Mark does a great job as usual. My only bitch is that I wish that now that he is elected he would stop talking about ANWR. It is a dead issue and it no longer does him any good to keep talking about it.

(Did you notice that when asked about whether Sarah Palin was intelligent or not, that Begich almost says "doesn't mean she always understood" the issues, but he stops himself and says "agreeable with" instead. Oh you almost told the truth there Marky! Better watch that while you are in Washington!)

And the next time that anybody goes on Scarborough's show and he pulls this crap on you just ask him about that dead intern they found in his office in 2001.

That will shut the arrogant little prick right up.


  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    That dead intern story might have been one of the most bias and poorly written articles I have read in a while. The author gives wild theories, ask questions about things and then answers his own questions with more speculation. Is there a story there, maybe. But with reporting like this we will never know any real facts or truth. Just more of reporters trying to make the readers think what they want them to think.

  2. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Wow, Mark did really well!

    Did you notice they said "he's well spoken"? Thanks to Palin, they think we're all Alaskans are idiots.


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