Sunday, December 21, 2008

One of my favorite Christmas songs from when I was a kid. Still makes me smile.

Stayed out waaaayyy too late partying last night.

And then got up waaayyy too early this morning.

I can barely put together a coherent thought, so I thought why not just post some holiday cheer?

(By the way do NOT see this movie! I don't care what your kids say, this thing is atrocious!)


  1. Ouch,
    One of the reasons I love this state is it's lack of chipmunks.
    Many, many years ago in an effort to earn desperately needed cash I worked at a Santa's Village tourist trap back east.
    For three years every Sat& Sun between Sept and Jan I worked for nine hours a day.
    The owner had only two Christmas albums in stock. A fifties rock collection and the Chipmunks. These were played in a continuous loop over the entire compound.
    It was not a bad gig, I met a lot of people, learned some skills. and got to play with many exotic animals. It was also where I got to meet my first Kodiak bear. His name was Billy and he was far from home.
    The bad side is that 30 years later I still flinch whenever I hear the shrill warbling of this trio.
    Thanks for ripping scab off my emotional scar.

  2. Anytime Kodiakgriff, you know I am here for you man.

  3. I love this song...I have not posted it yet in my daily Christmas music roundup...I guess I don't have to now ;-)

  4. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I grew up with this song as well. Then I reached adolescence and reputed it loudly. Now, just today I was thinking I needed to round up the album and play it for my kids.

    It's always neat to see things come full-circle.


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