Friday, December 12, 2008

Rachel Maddow brings us the "Infinite Sadness of Rod Blagojevich".

Wow, when you see this whole saga laid out in front of you it really is terribly sad and kind of difficult to watch.

This is one of the reasons I really like Rachel. She has such a totally different take on many of today's top stories.

I find her compassion admirable.


  1. I love Rachel's take on things too. She is not quite as hard left as Keith but still on the left side of things. Just has a unique perspective.

  2. she at leasts reminds viewers that these players are people, even when their behavior seems lacking any resemblance of human decorum.

    but that video of him promising his mother TWO things he is so very guilty of is just...well...yeah. and anytime someone tries to sell you that hard on their "stellar integrity", guard your ass or get the hell out of there. you're about to get screwed.

    for some reason, when i see Blagojevich i think of Ray Liotta. maybe he did too after watching Good Fellas one too many times.


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