Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Zbigniew Brzezinski describes Joe Scarborough as "stunningly superficial" on the air. Oh this is a thing of beauty.

Here is what I find so delicious about this clip.

Joe Scarborough has Mika Brzezinski on the show to give him some journalistic credibility, because we all know that he is nothing more a product of MSNBC's affirmative action program in which they give Republican apologists their own shows to ward off charges of partisanship.

But in less then three minutes Zbigniew Brzezinski, Mika's father, stripped away every scintilla of credibility and laid Scarborough's defense of George Bush and his naked attempts to blame the Clinton Presidency bare for all of the world to see.

If there was any doubt that Joe Scarborough is nothing more then a Republican tool, then Brzezinski's beautiful on-air evisceration should have removed it quite effectively.


  1. What was even funnier was later when David Gregory came on and backed up everything Zbig said and Joe didn't know what to do.

    I love to watch this show just so I can make fun of morning joke later. He is such a loser.

    He and meeka are so in love with the governor too...that makes me ill, I don't think a day goes by they don't bring up her name one way or another.

  2. Anonymous3:26 PM


    What is absolutely stunning is that Scarborough is such an ignorant blowhard that he attempts to school Brzezinski. It's an indication of just how bankrupt our media "reporters" (most notably Fox but certainly all are guilty) are in terms of knowledge, background and non-biased reporting skills.

    As more and more Fox-esque "reporters" are forced to stand in naked ignorance to be laughed at, I await the return of true journalism.

  3. The Republican "base" that swears by this program are probably saying nasty things on blogs right now about how the elder Brzezinski embarrassed and humiliated Scarborough, what a terrible person!

    That was truly funny. Hope it happens a lot more to these talking heads, who, as times goes on, seem to be more and more enamored of themselves.

  4. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I won't even watch Morning Joe anymore.. I can't stand how Joe interupts his guests, nor his love of Gov SP. Blech.

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    your reaction is pretty superficial, i think

    joe scarbporough is/was simply reiterating what has been publicly stated and written by the peoplke who were actually at Camp david for the 1999-2000 talks:

    Bill Clinton
    Hillary Clinton
    Dennis Ross

    Mr Brzezinski has a chip on his shoulder because the Carter administration is so often and for so long ridiculed as inept. its charity for MSNBC to let him on -- nepotism anyone? -- and its rude and outrageous for him to behave like such a pompous pedagogue. good riddance

    (ps: the carter administration was inept and dr. brzezinski was one of the most senior clowns)

  6. Anonymous11:01 AM

    that senior clown Mr. Brzezinski was the only foreign policy expert to broker a deal between the Israelis and the Arabs. Nothing has come close since. As a political science major in the early 70's his writing was prescient and a valuable alternative to the Kissinger school and certainly far superior to our current crop of corrupt neocons.

  7. Anonymous11:32 AM

    "pompous pedagogue" - you must be part of the Wasila Hillbilly crowd. I guess foreign policy is seeing Russia from your porch as opposed to a man who escaped Soviet persecution, lived across the world, been involved in every major foreign policy initiative since the cold war strategies and on and on. Degrees from McGill and a Doctorate form Harvard and you just dismiss him. What an ignorant fool. No wonder you support the idiot Joe Scarborough, one of the truly superficial talking heads on TV today. His background and historical understanding more aligns him with faux news than NBC and obvioulsy you as well.


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