Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dennis Zaki checks in. Updated.

These pictures were taken by Dennis Zaki of some of the native people in Emmonak.

The e-mail from Dennis was fairly cryptic, but we did learn that there is definitely a story in Emmonak, that he is getting lots of great footage, and that he will keep us updated on what he learns.

Stay tuned for further updates.

I know that this post may not seem very earthshattering but I can assure you that what is to come will not disappoint.

Update: Dennis has now given us something we can report:

This you can publish - $8,168 is the total. Donors have slowed. No donations in the past 22 hours. About five in the past three days. I saw some food boxes that had been sent up here. They were distributing them at the council house. Don't know yet about other donations to the village. Haven't met up with Tucker yet since I got here late yesterday. I'm sure I'll see him at the meeting today.

There are still checks arriving by snail mail (and trust me that name really fits when you are talking about mail delivery to the Bush communities), so this amount should grow quite a bit more in the days and weeks ahead. There are some other fund raising plans being formulated as well.


  1. Gryphen,
    Regarding you question about Emmonak being Palin's "Katrina."
    As much as I wish it so, I doubt it will be her undoing.
    This event will add to the ever growing pile of wrongdoing and ineptitude, but I'm sorry to say that with the Alaskan electorate, the mountain of same will have to be HUGE before she will be brought to task.
    Remember, our fellow Alaskans ARE the people that damn near re-elected a 7-time convicted felon to the US Senate, and DID re-elect an arrogant ass who may well be indicted soon to the US House.
    Just sayin'.

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    PackyJ: and DID re-elect an arrogant ass
    Was it Doogan or Dyson or someone else?
    Did you see, they want to let Troopergate go??? I am through dealing with them there are only a couple who really care about the people. I am just collecting gates, Doogan's assine emails etc. and sending them off to CREW and the FBI.

  3. crystalwolf,
    Well, I was referring to U.S. Representative Don Young.
    But the Alaska Legislature is full of people who fit the "arrogant ass" description every well.
    I'm disappointed, to say the least, in most of them.
    Unfortunately (and Alaska has proved this time and time again), the ability to get elected has absolutely nothing to do with the ability to serve.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.