Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Today we have a new President. Today the air is filled with hope in America.

How light is your heart today?

How tired is your face from smiling?

How proud are you of your country?

And how hopeful are you for the future of your children?


  1. My eyes are swollen..my cheeks are tired...my heart is light...I am so proud...I am so happy...

    It's a new day...

  2. It's a Brand New Day™:

  3. Thanks PackyJ.

    That was quite delightful.

  4. the eyes feel like there's no more room, the heart soars, the face? permagrin.
    So very proud.
    But hopeful is mixed with trepidation-you know, the licking of the wounds thing.
    And then there's that pesky 2012 End of Days Prophecy thang. But that's another day!
    Be well!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.