Monday, February 16, 2009

My first impression of the Greta Van Sustern interview with Bristol Palin.

(Photo "borrowed" from Gretawire.)
I have seen better acting in an elementary school production of "Fiddler on the Roof". And I mean much, much better acting.

Bristol clearly had only a couple of lines to memorize and she just kept repeating them over and over. Not that she had much to worry about since Greta was so kind as to remind her what her responses were supposed to be with her leading questions. (I noticed two times where she almost blew a line. Once when she was asked about how her pregnancy affected her school work, and once when she was asked about where Levi was working.)

Did anybody notice how desperate Caribou Barbie was to get on camera? She even used the baby to give her an excuse to interrupt this "surprise" interview.

Will she ever stop prostituting her children, and grandchildren, to get more attention?

I will probably write more on this tomorrow but I just finished watching the whole interview and I am feeling a little queasy.


  1. so here's a question-

    bristol seems to generally shun the spotlight, prior to this, as she has every right to. but are there any other instances of her talking on camera, or feedback from people who've met her, to compare this to? she seemed nervous, kept looking sideways, and get repeating a few things. but how does she normally speak? i can't recall her speaking on camera in any prior instance -if anyone does will you let me know how it compares?

    p.s. thanks for the post, it must have been added within minutes of my requesting it in the comments on the lat post :)

  2. -kept repeating-

    she seemed less comfortable here holding tripp than holding trig on the campaign trail. was it the jitters of giving a national press interview? or something else....

  3. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I thought Bristol was like a deer in the headlights, afraid to say practically anything.
    And that baby looks to be not more than a month old.
    What was the purpose of having a interview with Bristol? The Repub. poster child for unwed teenage motherhood????The wingnuts would be going batshit if this were one of the Obama girls!!!!
    It was a complete farce, and just another venue for Grifter to get some face time with BFF Greta von creepy.
    And did you see when Greta asked Piper a question, Grifter wouldn't even let her answer, just started Blabbing about the stimulus bill,
    God she is one sickening, vile person....and not a word about the villages...big surprise there.

  4. Anonymous8:20 PM

    I am feeling queasy too ... very queasy and very sorry for Bristol ..not because of the baby.

  5. Anonymous8:32 PM

    We need the FBI to investigate this sick sick woman before she does anymore damage to this state.

    It is unfortunate her children are being damaged by her as well, but there is nothing we can do there.

    If she treats her own children like this, how can Alaskans expect anything different.

    This is a psychologically unstable person and she must be removed from office. NOW !




    We need a coup !

  6. I watched...Bristol definitely seemed nervous. Maybe even a bit scared? I noticed her eyes drifting off to the side a lot--as if she was being coached by 'someone' on the least briefly on the sidelines?

    Wierd, and sickening!

  7. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I too noticed the hesitation when asked where Livi was working. Its too bad Greta didn't ask where the baby was born, where was she going to school, and where Levi is going to school.

  8. gryphen-

    this is going to sound ridiculous, but you DID mention having time to kill....

    how many "expresso shops" does anchorage posses? if it includes starbucks, in a city of over 100,000 i know it could be MANY...

    but, do you REALLY feel like starting a little investigative journalism of your own? pull out your phonebook and find the coffee shops, would it be too hard to start calling them (during business hours of course), and asking if bristol used to work there, and then visiting any that give affirmative or strongly "no comment" answers and casually talking with the staff (first) and/or manager (second) to find out if and when she worked there?

    a little crazy, i know, but if you do have time to kill it could lead to "a comprehensive review of anchorage's best coffee" web-post, if nothing else!

    and if you did find the when and where of her "pregnancy job" maybe a lot more!

    just a thought ;)

  9. there's no way this interview was Bristol's idea and she showed up with so little to say about teen pregnancy, contraception, anything but how it's really great that she has such a big family. nope. i'm not buying it.

  10. you have to forgive me...i'm watching it here in the lower 48 for the first time...but did Sarah just jump in on this interview? Bristol looks like she's ready to run. RUN, GIRL! RUN!

  11. luna1580, to answer your question there are an ungodly number of coffee shops here in Anchorage.

    There are approximately ten or twelve along every major road, and that does not take into consideration Starbucks either.

    And to complicate things further, as often as new ones open up, others shut down, making it very difficult to narrow down the particular coffee shops she may have worked at.

    So if I were unable to locate it that would not prove she had not worked in one. Now if I had the name, then I could do some detective work.

  12. aha, gryphen, point taken.

    i guess this came to mind because i used to work at 2 different starbucks, when i was 19-22 years old. i totally understand "coffee shops" popping up and then going out of business fairly quickly -especially in the economy of the past few years-till-present.

    i was last in anchorage in '98, so i honestly had no idea of its current level of "coffee-house culture."

    thanks for considering the idea, i completely understand that it would be fruitless :(

    as for a name, we must assume someone in the palin clan (most likely the bruces?) told this "espresso-shop" story to mr. people magazine, so i guess we'd have to ask heather, kurt, or bristol herself where she worked.

    whatever, SP is doing herself in with her acts of "governing" your fair state. i just wish the trig & tripp baby stories weren't missing so many pieces.

    thanks again for your blog :)

  13. Anonymous11:24 PM

    I agree with Bristol, abstinence only is not realistic. The way to prevent teenage pregnancy is through sex education, including methods of pregnancy prevention.

    Welcome to the world, Tripp.

  14. Anonymous2:46 AM

    I didn't watch the show last night, but from what I'm gathering from all of you is Sarah Palin comes across as Hitler and Bristol is her...Eva! (scared to have her own opinion, afraid to talk unless given permission to)


    The infant in the picture does appear younger than 6 weeks because he's still curling into his Mom. Don't newborns do that? My son is 14 and I can't remember those days! LOL

  15. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Did anyone else notice that once Sarah Palin cut in on the interview, GVS said nothing more to Bristol. Bristol was obviously forced into this and couldn't have been more uncomfortable. Completely agree that she had certain "lines" to say and that was it. I agree my first impression is the baby is younger than 6-7 weeks because he is still curling up. She is no where near as comfortable with him as she was with Trig during the campaign. Keep digging Gryphen!!!

  16. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Governor Granny totally hijacked this interview...she was there all along, it was a "thought out" plan (as much as Sarah's brain can think), she wasn't a surprise...Greta is so transparent. When she interviewed Sarah at the Iron Dog, I think Granny must have downed about 3 Red Bulls or 6 skinny white mochas because it was one big fast run on sentence of her famous word salad.

    Here's the thing...any republican governor's state who opposes the stimulus bill should not get any funds, end of story.Sarah says ahe's against it, but wants money-WTF? Any congressman who voted against it...their districts should be cut off as that leaves all of the deep south, mountain west, and part of the southwest cut off...yeah, more money for the rest of America!

  17. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Tripp sure had some blazin blue eyes @ 2 mos old, for being the child of parents with very dark brown eyes.......

    Gretta Von Kissass sure made it known ewhre her loyalties are. Does anyone else think it is strange that she says to BP, so you are 18 now, and this interview was your idea?

    Obviously an attempt to quiet the maaaaany many people who have been saying that poor BP was being controlled by SP. If we look back at GVS archive of interviews I bet she has never said to any other adult, you're 18 now & this interview was YOUR idea? Absurd.

    Poor BP, she did indeed seem to be looking off camera a lot, and obviously had only a few things drilled into memorization. If you took out the words 'ten years' and 'big family' all you would have are about 600 each of LIKE and UM. Poor girl.

    Tripp actual age, anyone? My son was 7#9oz and he seemed to be this size at 4-5 weeks. I know all babies are different but just something I noticed. Also seemed at first she almost didn't know how to hold him! And the way she held the bottle....sooo odd for a girl who looked so at home feeding and holding a baby that was supposedly NOT hers.
    Not insinuating anything, just pointing out an extreme oddity.

    After GINO walked in the idea that it was BPs interview went from unlikely to HA HA yeah right. I will say again.....poor poor BP.

  18. Anonymous5:00 AM

    What a sweet interview, a loving mom, a caring grandma a real strong and positive influence. It's great to see that this baby is going to have a string support system and grow up in a home where dependence on government assistance will not be the first source of income that you find in the few liberals homes where abortion is not the first choice of getting rid of a baby.

  19. Anonymous5:18 AM

    My first impression agrees with most here:

    Bristol tells us NOTHING specific about her new baby except about him "smiling and cooing" which sounded rehearsed. Everything sounded rehearsed. She kept saying "I guess". She kept mentioning "waiting ten years". She is glad she has so much help, more than she would have ever expected.....yet, says waiting ten years would have been "so much easier" what way, Bristol? Sounds like you have it made already. She expounded on nothing, and, yes, as mentioned, just kept repeating the few stock lines. I was rolling my eyes at the poor girl after about two minutes in. I also noticed the eye darts and the obvious hesitation when asked about whether Levi was working. "He's working with his dad and taking correspondence courses"......doing what kind of work with his dad? Paycheck work? Cash work? Where does he live that he sees Tripp "every day"? So many questions we all have, so not answered.

    Having had three babies myself, and the youngest 15 months, I still can't tell how old that baby in the interview was. He could have been 7 weeks, he could have been 5 weeks, who knows? Odd that Greta didn't ask how it was giving birth so young, having at baby practically at Christmas was it adjusting to a newborn.....having babysitting experience is NOT THE SAME, unless she was primary caregiver to Trig as well, and we all know what that implies.

    I do think she seemed very very nervous and rehearsed and couldn't think of one thing, really, that went off script or any cute anecdotes, or any personal feelings or emotion.

    GINO coming in and taking over the interview while never sitting down and holding court was very irritating. I expect that is her usual behavior with just about everything.

    Sarah, again, the whole thing stinks, and I'm not buying it.
    Nothing convinced me.

  20. That was a really, really strange interview....Bristol looked less than pleased when mom "appeared"--and then pretty much took over. I agree, it looks like Sarah was part of the script all along. Maybe bristol was annoyed at how fakey and artificial it all was. Even when her own child is supposed to be the focus, SP has to elbow in, toot her own horn and campaign for family values. Right, lady.

    I also agree that Bristol doesn't hold this baby the same way...of course, maybe she is just really tired of taking care of babies at this point.

    I found it ironic when Bristol and sarah said (about Bristol's pregnancy) "We were ALL surprised." Has it occurred to these people that some usable sex education might cut down on the surprise factor? This is apparently the third generation "surprised" by a pregnancy before marriage. You'd like to think at some point, someone would wake up and connect the dots. (hey....wait...pen!s + vag!na = baby!! OMG!! Eureka!)

    The whole thing is just bizarre.

    Giant Palinesque run-on sentences + sweeping generalizations about government assistance and abortion seem to go together naturally, don't they? And I am curious.... is a string support system where Sarah keeps you on a string and tells you what you are going to do and say, and if you cooperate then she continues to support you?

    I thought so.

  21. "a home where dependence on government assistance" Isn't Sarah the Govenor? Isn't that Government assistance???

  22. Anonymous7:12 AM

    That was my thought, GinaM. Especially a governor who charges the Alaska taxpayers per diem to live in her own home. And it does seem laughable to expect Sarah P. to take care of the baby when she ostensibly has a demanding full-time job, not to mention a special-needs infant (son? grandson?) whose parentage still has not been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

    When Bristol kept repeating, "Wait ten years," it wasn't clear whether she meant to wait altogether to have sex at 27, or just to let 'er rip and have a baby then. Contraception is legal and some highly effective methods are available over the counter--these kids have never been in a drugstore? She also seems to think that having a house and a husband makes mothering a newborn "easier." Who's paying the mortgage? What if there aren't a flock of doting relatives living nearby to whom one can hand over a baby so the mother can take a shower or peel an orange? And how long will Bristol live at home, financially dependent on her family?

    This was a sad, sad interview. Greta did almost all of the talking. Bristol used the talking points ("joy," "grow up faster than expected," etc.) that were crafted during the campaign. Her speech was depressed and unspontaneous, and even though she said motherhood is "awesome," her eyes are sad. She also uses the words "education" and "career" without giving any indication what she means. And when Mommie Look-at-Me appeared on camera, that, as always, was the end of Bristol.

    Now I'M depressed!

    Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel

  23. Anonymous7:41 AM

    My guess is that Bristol may have wanted the interview and agreed to whatever spin Sarah wanted to put on it because Bristol is sick and tired of being "holed up." She had to hide out during her pregnancy with Trig, then hide out again in these past few months with her pregnancy with Tripp. The girl is barely 18, has 2 children, no job, and she wants to PARRRRRTY!!!
    She clearly does not believe that abstinence works for teens but has to tow the line with Sarah because Sarah is putting a roof over her head and baby food in the babies mouths. One day Bristol may have the courage to speak for herself. She would be an excellent spokesperson for Planned Parenthood as she clearly believes she should have waited 10 years.
    To clear this all up either Levi and his mother need to spill the beans for big $$$$ or someone has to come up with some saliva/hair of Trig and Sarah. A little DNA will put an end to all this speculation and bury Sarah once and for all. DNA tests are getting cheaper by the day so listen up Levi, speak now and collect some cash for your sons college education because someone will beat you to the DNA evidence and then you'll be broke with 2 kids, a wife and bitchy mother in law who will have to live with you after she gets out of jail.

  24. I feel SO much better after reading this blog and the associated comments! Earlier today I expressed some sentiments similar to this post on the ADN Politics Blog (concerning Bristol, Sarah and the VERY contrived "interview") but after initially being published, they now no longer seem to be there. Hmm...
    Glad to know there are others who feel as I do and are willing to "tell it like it is" - thanks!

  25. Anonymous11:41 AM

    The baby and everyone is merely a tool for Palin to use. They are props for her quest to the top. Reminds me a bit of Nixon's Checker speech. Luckily, more people see thru this phoniness now than in the Nixon days.

    Palin should forget it. She had her chance.

  26. Just my opinion, but the baby in this picture is NOT seven weeks old.

    Count em, from 12-27-2008. Seven weeks.

  27. My thoughts too, Ennea... The infant looks more like MAYYYYbe 4 weeks old...
    I guess we were correct all along when we said they would produce the baby sometime mid/end February, when it is difficult to say how *exactly* the baby would be. The still-photos shown are all undated.


    "part two" of this amazing piece of journalism (gag) starts in 15 minutes on greta.


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