Monday, February 16, 2009

The new Sarah Palin biography is out!

Let's see if we can find the lies!

A new biography of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin reveals that her secret pregnancy with son Trig was nearly uncovered when one of her daughters discovered Trig's prenatal ultrasound scan and confronted Palin with the picture. "Sarah made one slip-up – but [she] dampened suspicion by explaining it away," reports Trailblazer: An Intimate Biography of Sarah Palin, by PEOPLE Assistant Editor Lorenzo Benet and being published Tuesday by Simon & Schuster's Threshold Editions.

Well in my opinion this whole statement is a lie, but even if I were wrong she admits that she at least lied to her children by "explaining it away". Way to parent by example Governor!

"Not discussing the pregnancy with her daughters, she felt, would shorten the process and spare them from unwanted attention" .

"Unwanted attention" from who? If only the children knew then how could anybody else be bothering them about it? That is one of the dumbest statements I have ever heard.

Trailblazer also reveals another reason Palin kept the pregnancy quiet. She tells Benet, who interviewed Palin and her family for a 2008 PEOPLE cover story: "Not knowing in my own heart if I was going to be ready to embrace a child with special needs – I couldn't talk about it."

Well we have now seen for ourselves whether Sarah can embrace a child with special needs and the answer, based on how she carries and interacts with him, is NO. However oddly enough the person who seems to demonstrate the most affection for little Trigg Palin is Bristol. Hmmm. Oh and let's not forget hair slicking Piper Palin, she likes the baby too.

The biography also reports that Trig's health was problematic from birth – he was born with a congenital heart defect typically found in half the babies with Down syndrome – but it cleared up on its own without surgery.

What? It "cleared up on its own without surgery"? Is that even possible? Well it appears it IS possible but it is not without its own set of potential complications according to this website:

Many heart abnormalities (including patent ductus arteriosus, ventricular septal defect, truncus arteriosus, atrioventricular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot, and transposition of the great arteries) can be corrected with a single operation in early infancy. More complex abnormalities (including hypoplastic left heart syndrome and tricuspid atresia) may require a series of two or three operations beginning in the newborn period and completed at approximately 3 years of age.

With most complex abnormalities, the children spend the majority of their time in the care of their parents at home, with occasional visits to the pediatric cardiologist (a heart specialist) as well as to the child's primary care doctor.

Less invasive procedures done in the cardiac catheterization laboratory, rather than the operating room, may be used to treat some conditions. Such treatments may include balloon angioplasty or valvuloplasty to relieve an obstruction of a blood vessel (such as in coarctation of the aorta) or a valve obstruction (such as in pulmonary or aortic stenosis). In these procedures, a pediatric cardiologist inserts a catheter, a thin plastic tube with a special balloon attached, into a blood vessel. The balloon is then inflated to stretch open the narrow area of the blood vessel or heart valve. Another procedure called transcatheter device occlusion may be used to close abnormal openings or holes within the heart or blood vessels (such as in patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defects, and ventricular septal defects) without requiring surgery.

Some abnormalities, such as small- or moderate-sized ventricular septal defects, may close or decrease in relative size as your child grows. While waiting for the hole to close, the doctor may prescribe medicines for your child, which some kids also need to take after surgery.

So even if this condition "cleared up on it's own" meaning that the "small or moderate-sized ventricular septal defect" closed as Trig Palin grew, it still would have meant multiple trips to the doctor to monitor little Trig's progress. And that directly contradicts what Cathy Baldwin-Johnson said in the letter she wrote about Governor Sarah's health history.

"He had some minor problems with jaundice which required phototherapy in the hospital and at home for several days."

She also said of little Trig that "He was able to go home at two days of age with his mother."

Bullshit. You do not send a baby with a congenital heart defect home after only two days of observation. So who is lying here? Sarah Palin or Cathy Baldwin-Johnson? Because somebody sure as hell is!

Update: Okay I was unable to connect to the People magazine site for over two hours and could not continue this post. But things are back online so let me take up where I left off.

Trailblazer also sheds new light on the relationship between Palin's eldest daughter, Bristol, and her fiancĂ©, Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol's son, Tripp,born Dec. 27, 2008. While Bristol was pregnant last year, she was living in Anchorage with her aunt and uncle, Heather and Kurt Bruce, and working at two espresso shops – while also attending West High School.

Okay now once again this does not jive with the facts that we know about when Bristol left school. Bristol was out of the house and visiting her aunt in Anchorage as early as December of 2007.

Mark Okeson, the assistant principal at Wasilla High School, told the Chicago Tribune that Bristol started her junior year last fall, in the town where Sarah Palin grew up.

He said Bristol inexplicably transferred to an Anchorage high school midyear, leaving Levi behind. ("Midyear" is December or January, not April or May, which is when it would have had to be for this pregnancy to have produced Tripp Palin on December 27th, 2008.)

"I never heard the story why," he said. (Hmm also interesting.)

So why was Bristol out of school in December 2007 if little Tripp was not due until December 2008? I just how long do Palin babies gestate?

And we KNOW she was not attending school in West High because that is where the Mono story came from. And I would love to know which Espresso shops she was supposedly working at, I have time on my hands I would be perfectly willing to go and interview the owners of those coffee huts.

Wow this book is so full of lies and cover ups that I cannot believe that a reputable publisher would have had the balls to publish it.

You just wait until reporters and bloggers have a chance to read the WHOLE THING because I have little doubt that there are far more inconsistencies to uncover.

By the way here is the first chapter for those with a strong stomach.


  1. Wow, this just gets more and more bizarre. I just hope that all of these lies eventually catch up with her.

  2. Oops! It appears that the link to the People magazine article that I connected to the title is down right now.

    I imagine because it is receiving a buttload of traffic right now. Check back later to read the rest.

    (This was actually going to be a longer post until I lost access to the link.)

  3. I have also lost access to the People Magazine link. I saw it early this morning and wanted to read it over again. It must be getting really hit a lot.

    Actually, I think that Sarah just simply cannot keep track of her own lies. They are just too numerous. She lied to her children, or she's now lying saying she lied to her children, one or the other. You don't take a baby with a heart defect home that quickly. And, you are right, either SP's doctor is lying, she is lying or they are both lying. I'm guessing on the third option.

  4. Gryphen...if I didn't know better I'd say you're encouraging the crazies to come out and play. You KNOW Team Sarah spankers are about to descend upon you in 5...4...3...2...oh man. It's like a car accident. You can't take your eyes off of the twisted mess. Better get the popcorn ready.

  5. Well thank you for your concern Jen, but I have been under attack by trolls far sharper then this TeamSarah bunch.

    I just hope I used simple enough vocabulary in my post to keep from confusing their tiny little minds.

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Here's another excerpt about the book which indirectly points to the fact that Bristol was pregnant with TRIG:

    "The book also delves into the relationship between Bristol Palin and her fiancé Levi Johnston. Bristol lived in Anchorage with her aunt and uncle while she was pregnant. She worked at two espresso shops and remained a full time student at West High School. Levi was 40 miles away in Wasilla, but he would still drive to the capital to take Bristol out. The couple welcomed their son Tripp on December 27, 2008."

    As you remember, it has been widely reported that Bristol switched schools in Jan 08 and lived with her aunt and uncle in Anchorage. Put two and two together here, and you see that this is decribing when she was obviously pregnant THE FIRST TIME WITH TRIG! The story was that Bristol was out of school because of a prolonged case of mono, but seems like she had a prolonged case of PREGNANT.

    If her pregnancy with Tripp was full term, and he really was born on 12/27 she would not have gotten pregnant (this time) supposedly until the end of March. Why would she have to leave the house...she wouldn't even be showing until the end of June at least, and could have finished out the school year. Plus we all know she has been photographed with her family in Wasilla after Trig's birth (see for dated pics), and last summer! She was with her family on the campaign trail, behind the scenes for two + months in the fall. So this makes absolutely no sense!

    Silly Sarah...can't keep all the lies straight.

  7. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I also believe that no doctor would send a baby born with a congenital heart defect home after two days. To my mind his health problems put into serious doubt Sarah's claim that he was born on the 18th April 2008.

    Realistically after birth he would have been transferred to the NICU in Anchorage for further tests. Instead we have Sarah turn-up at her workplace with him three days after "birth". Nothing about this story makes sense and it just took another very ugly turn imo.

  8. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Let me get this straight. Palin lies to her family for months. She lies to her staff. She lies to the people of Alaska.

    She'll lie when she decides it's for her family's or her constituents' own good. And that's the role model she wants to be for them, the people of Alaska, and the rest of the country. (This definitely explains troopergate and Colberg's dismissal).

    "Not discussing the pregnancy with her daughters, she felt, would shorten the process and spare them from unwanted attention." She wouldn't even tell her teenage daughters she was pregnant? They wouldn't notice?

    It seems she was trying to spare herself from unwanted attention. If she were trying to spare her children from unwanted attention, why would she later announce to the national media that Bristol was pregnant? Why would she drag them around like movie props?

    She says: "Not knowing in my own heart if I was going to be ready to embrace a child with special needs – I couldn't talk about it."

    Wait a minute: Isn't this Ms. Pro-life, whatever God decides is good enough for me? Now she's quoted as saying she's not sure that she could "embrace" a special needs child? What was she going to do with the baby if she couldn't "embrace" it?

    I haven't supported the "conspiracy" theory, but this makes me wonder: Did this state of mind exist when she flew home from Texas when her water broke in Dallas, bypassing the nearby first class medical facilities to give birth at a much less-equipped (especially for births of special needs children) facility in Alaska? Was she "embracing" her baby then?

  9. Good work, Gryphen, on pointing out the disconnect between what Palin and Dr. CB-J have said about Trig Palin's heart health, what the text of the "Trailblazer" bio says -- a congenital heart defect that (hah!) "cleared up on its own" -- and what just about every Googled article says on congenital heart disease in DS infants.

    What a lot of horsepucky. You'd think the Palin tribe would be at least as smart as we are, and would come up with a medically sound and logical description of Trig Palin's heart condition.

    Either Dr. CB-J and any qualified medical advisors are totally out of the picture at this point, or they are abysmally ignorant of either the use of Google or cardiac medical complications.

  10. Anonymous9:54 AM

    So Sarah, as vehemently pro-life as she is, still had some hesitation about whether she could "embrace" a child with special needs. And this, knowing that she had everything going for her and the baby: a stable marriage and family, plenty of money and resources available, lots of family around to help (even a nanny, according to the book, a fact which she hadn't mentioned before), good health insurance, a big enough home...
    And yet, this same woman, if she had her way, would FORCE women/families who have NONE of these advantages to bear their special needs children, even when they do not have the financial or, especially, emotional means to care for such children.
    Just amazing. She is a piece of work.

  11. Anonymous11:06 AM

    As long as everyone is working at being a good detective, may I add another place that deserves more investigation. I am refering to TruthSeeker's flickr photos of Sarah Palin and family, especially Trig, which you can find at Click on the third square "Trig" 90 photos to see a chronological history of the little guy. His birth pictures show a cute kid with chubby cheeks (April) yet a few weeks later at the baby shower in May, it looks like a tinier baby-- or is it just the way I'm looking at the few pictures? It seems to me that the baby at the shower and the other baby pictures just don't match-- any thoughts??

  12. Anonymous12:04 PM

    There is a photo of Bristol and Tripp on Greta's page of Fox News' website!

  13. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I wonder if the Greta interview this evening was organised in order to downplay the questionable contents of Benet's book? The Trig heart condition revelation is not good however one wants to look at it so what does Sarah do, she organises an interview with Bristol together with Tripp to be released on the same day that People release some details about the said book. Classic tactic to bury bad publicity......and everyone loves a cute baby.

  14. Anonymous12:53 PM

    That wasn't a photo Tripp that was a photo of Trig supposedly after he was born.

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Thanks for the heads-up, anon!

    That baby looks to me to be 'a tad' (LOL!) younger than six weeks old!

  16. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Sorry anon @ 12.53 - that is a screenshot from the interview that will be aired this evening at 10.00.

    It is definitely an up to date view of Bristol and Tripp.

    BTW I am anon @12.51

  17. Anonymous1:25 PM

    All we need is a clip of hair or some saliva from Trig and Levi to put this to rest. Surely someone out there would like some $$ to get this stuff.

  18. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Short video clip of Bristol being interviewed by Greta is now up

  19. Anonymous1:39 PM

    My name is Jill and I live in Ohio - I am a Palin HATER lol so please keep that in mind as I post...
    I have a daughter with Down Syndrome who was born almost 6 weeks early and weighed 7lbs 8oz. We were shocked that she could be so "big" a month early but we also knew my dates to be accurate, so she simply WAS. My other children were born full term - my first was 2 wks post date and she was 7lb 10oz, and my third was a week early and 8lb 3oz...I think it's common for women to just gestate babies about the same size regardless, I don't know how else to explain it but I know among many of my friends that has been the case.

    My daughter with DS also had a mild heart defect that didn't require surgery. However - we had to have an echocardiogram performed by a cardiologist (it was like 3 days pp?) and that required several follow up appointments and a lot of worry early on.
    She had jaundice, too. I was able to "treat" her at home though, with lots of sunlight (she was born in May) and she never required any hospitalization.

    We were released on the second day pp.

    OK so now I am wondering what kinds of THERAPIES this little guy is receiving! My daughter had speech, feeding, physical, and occupational therapy twice a week almost immediately from birth on!

    I wonder who it is that is bringing little Trig in for those therapy sessions (or if they are having them in the home, who is the one that is present with him while they happen) To me, this is telling - because it's VERY important for the PARENTS to learn how to manage/handle their special needs babies and the therapist works very closely with the family to accomplish their goals. If it's Bristol who is there, IMO that's a pretty strong indication that she is the mother of Trig.

  20. sarah palin is nothing but one gigantic lie -- and everything that comes out of that mouth (or ass, but they are the same thing with her) is a lie

    great work

  21. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Once again the CBJ letter uses an ambiguous statement to imply one thing whilst meaning something entirely different. This from the medical letter -

    "She followed the normal recommended schedule for prenatal care,including follow-up perinatology evaluations to ensure there was no significant congenital heart disease or other condition of the baby that would preclude delivery at her home community hospital."

    Most people reading this would naturally assume that Trig had no congenital heart disease and that is why he was born in SP's local hospital. However, the key words here are "no significant" and if you read it taking this into account you realise that CBJ is saying that tests did show that Trig had a heart condition but that it was thought to be insignificant.

    Of course that insignificance can be called into question when an expectant mother goes into early labor as Sarah has claimed.

  22. Anonymous2:04 PM

    I don't care that Sarah Palin did or did not tell her children about the Down Syndrome.
    What bothers me is the labor in Texas, driving past the hospital with the Intensive care unit for a baby and the fact that this poor babe was carted all over the country on a presidential campaign.
    If it's all true.
    How can you trust anything that this women says?
    Oh and by the way?
    The center that has services for special needs children and adults in Wasilla is closing due to lack of funds.
    How ironic is this, from a women/Gov. that told parents all over the US that she would help them and their children!!!!!

  23. Anonymous2:21 PM

    You mean to tell me Sarah Palin dragged Trig with her during the campaign knowing this little boy's heart was fragile?

  24. Anonymous3:29 PM

    "During school holidays, Sarah and Chuck Jr., who was also attending college in Idaho, made the 150-mile trek from Moscow, where they were enrolled at the University of Idaho. "Everything she's ever done she 's excelled at," said Sarah's uncle, Ron Jones."

    You mean the excellence as a student at 5 different colleges- just like all the other students who have excelled.

    ps The author is a great fact checker. That's why he has Mr. Heath for the non-existent Alaska Department of Agriculture (there is a division in the Department of Natural Resources- which has nothing to do with killing rats). I think we worked on occasion for US Fish + Wildlife.

  25. My sympathies to whoever the poor schmucks were who had to spend hours helping with this book at the publishing house... gads, imagine paddling around in all that sewage for as long as it takes to edit and publish a book.

  26. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Thanks you Chuck and Sally for revealing the real family tradition.

    "In the summer of 1961, Chuck and Sally applied for a marriage license and wed at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in Sandpoint. Sally gave birth to a quick succession of children -- Chuck Jr. arrived on February 7, 1962."

    Do the math! Sally had to be pregnant by May if her first born arrived on February 7, 1962 (if pregnant in June or July, the baby would have born significantly prematurely, would have been in an ICU, etc.).

    We know what the Catholic Church thought about this at the time. Major sin!!

    Palin's own myth about "eloping" to spare her parents the cost of a wedding was thoroughly debunked by the NY Times and other media after Palin announced in Dayton that August 29 was her 20th anniversary. Doing the math with available records proved that she was 6 weeks pregnant when she got married- as she had already said her first pregnancy went to full term.

    And- due to Palin herself- we know Bristol's history.

    Premarital sex and pregnancy without benefit of marriage is a 3 generation family tradition for the Heath/Palins. It's the rest of us who are supposed to adhere to a different standard.

  27. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Why is it over at Gretawire, they are acting like this was a pre-planned interview with Bristol, when Saturday morning it was all Greta goes to interview Sarah Palin at the end of Iron dog??? Maybe GINO doesn't want attention to the fact she used state funds to go to Fairbanks, so its all changed into a interview with Bristol and "lucky to get" GINO in there? What a crock?
    More Palin lies and now she is involving once again her children and newsmedia to distort the truth.

  28. Anonymous said @ 11:06 AM "His birth pictures show a cute kid with chubby cheeks (April) yet a few weeks later at the baby shower in May, it looks like a tinier baby-- or is it just the way I'm looking at the few pictures? It seems to me that the baby at the shower and the other baby pictures just don't match-- any thoughts??"

    I never thought that video picture of Trig Palin in Sally Heath's arms at the hospital the day he was born looked like a newborn baby at all. My guess was that he was at least 2 weeks old in that picture.

    Hmmm. Perhaps he WAS, and that video picture was actually taken on a RETURN visit to the hospital, either to pick up Trig after an extended stay (say, from late March to mid-April), or on a post-natal exam visit to draw blood at the hospital lab, or do an ultrasound of his heart.

  29. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Love this site! Good job and if you are ever wanting a really good photo reference site for all Sarah Palin, Bristol, pregnancy photos go to:

    It has several hundred photos dated and sequenced to the pregnacy timeline. It's the best one I have found.


    If I lived closer I would absolutely clear up some facts.

    1. Was Bristol in Anchorage Dec. 2007 attending high school? For how long. My undertanding is that she started before the holidays and then did not return. Period!

    2. Was Bristol in Anchorage again and attending school the following year when her mom was on the campaign trail?

    3. What coffee shop?

    4. What correspondance course??

    5. Who wrote the CBJ medical disclosure?

    Don't you have any teenage kids or parents in Anchorage who talk about this. I just can't believe it is so hard to get information.

    Can you shed some light on this?? Neighbors, church goers, grocery store clerks, medical assistants, Obama fans, liberals...etc?!!??

  30. Anonymous5:45 PM is a link to the photo of Bristol and Tripp from Greta's interview:

  31. Holy Moley!

    All her lies, they just keep on coming!

    Is the house of cards about to come crashing down?


  32. Anonymous6:11 PM

    New on the ADN blog:
    "The Governor did not authorize this book and is not responsible for whatever the author might conjure up. There are several books in the pipeline. The only authorized and authoritative book will be the one the Governor writes herself -- someday."

    Meghan Stapleton
    Palin Family Spokesperson

    Does anyone really think her parents, sister, inlaws & political allies would have cooperated if Palin did not "bless" them?

  33. See, that "plausible deniability" is already underway as an excuse for all the contradictions in the "unauthorized"-but-with-cooperation book.

    A tiny infinitesimal bit of "transparency" from the office of the Gov.

  34. Anonymous7:11 PM

    It must be really, really bad...b/c a TS on ADN says its a "anti-Palin book only moonbats will like"....!
    Its must be hella bad to be dissed by a TS wingnut!!!!!!
    Granpa Chuck must of stuck his foot in his mouth again,lol, even Meg the mouthpiece is shunning any responsibility.

  35. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Does the book really say that even though Levi lived 40 miles away, "he would drive to the Capitol to take Bristol out?" Hello. Anchorage isn't the Capitol. Juneau is and I seriously doubt Levi was driving the 18 hours, through Canada, to see Bristol in Juneau.

    Did someone just make that up, or is that really in the book?

    Also - (yikes! Maybe I should avoid that word) My take is that Sarah likes all the flurry surrounding the birthing accounts - b/c it keeps the spotlight off of what I think is true - that she went into early labor in Texas and traveled home to deliver her infant DS son. Because everyone keeps spun with all the conspiracy ideas (and I'll admit, in the absence of actual medical records, sometimes they sound plausible) it keeps the truth obscured.

    My two cents.

  36. Anonymous8:51 AM

    OMG! this is priceless! Our resident troll "notalib" put this on her SarahPalin blog:

    "Like many intrigued by the emergence of Sarah Palin on the national scene, I looked forward to reading the anticipated books about Governor Palin's life and achievements.

    Foolishly, I snapped up the first post-election book, Trailblazer: An intimate biography of Sarah Palin, by Lorenzo Benet. Never have I been so disappointed. Trailblazer is more anti-Palin stereotyping than anything else. It could have been written by someone in the Obama campaign or their surrogates on MSNBC, CNN, or any of the other Obama support groups.

    I would not recommend this amateurish book to anyone other than the Obama people who are not interested in reality. The book is unorganized, poorly researched (I'm being charitable), and seems to be pure propaganda on a scale that would make Joseph Goebbels proud.

    Benet goes so far as to feign disbelief in Palin's assertion, shared by many notwithstanding Al Gore's musings, that global temperatures are related to solar activity.

    His analysis of the vice-presidential debate between Palin and the factually challenged Biden is farcical. Suffice it to say that he was watching a different debate than the one I watched. The number of errors made by Biden in that debate was staggering. Governor Palin made only one...mispronouncing general McKiernan's name. I could go on and on.

    I will close by saying that anyone who wants to read an objective and factual account of Governor Palin should not waste their money on this deceptive book. One can obtain the same anti-Palin claptrap by watching the Keith Olbermann show and save their money in the process. Trailblazer: An intimate biography of Sarah Palin is neither intimate nor a biography."

    I read this after several emails by readers warning me about the book. Thank you.

    Hey all you palinbots, it was ok'd by GINO's Dad,lol!!!!
    It must be bottom of the barrel, for the hardcore GINO lover's to diss it like this, PRICELESS!

  37. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Here is a link to the written interview with Greta and Bristol for those who want to go over the details:

    Several photos of Bristol with Tripp:

  38. Anonymous4:59 PM

    BTW...Greta has a "part two" with Bristol tonight!

  39. Jennifer Harrell1:19 PM

    I understand you are clearly uneducated about Down syndrome and congenital heart defects but who do you think you are calling someone a liar when you are completely clueless? My daughter was born with 4, yes I said FOUR, holes in her heart and she went home within TWO days. Also, just like Trigg, she has Down syndrome. I suggest you stop trying to pick apart someone else's life and try to educate yourself.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.