Saturday, February 28, 2009

President Obama talks about his budget plan and gears up for a fight.

Concerning Special Interests and Lobbyists: "I know they are gearing up for a fight as we speak. My message to them....So am I."

Damn I just love this guy!

Not only does he talk to us like we are grownups but he does not pretend that things are better then they are, or that the solutions to our problems will be painless. (Remember George Bush? "Shop more.")

You know I am still suffering this weird reflex every time I hear something that is coming out of the White House or is attributed to the President.

I immediately get distrustful and suspicious.

It has nothing to do with Barack Obama, it is just my learned response after eight years of George Bush and his administration.

But I think I am getting better, and I look forward to a day when I will hear of something coming from the White House and just assume it is both good and positive.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Dang! This is exactly what is needed to get this country bck on track: telling the American people exactly what the goals are and revealing the steps needed to get there. I love our president for stating the role of the president as being an employee of the American people, not the special interest grouups, lobbyists, insurance and oil companies,etc. This is what strikes fear in the hearts of many so-called republican leaders in the national government. They are beginning to see the writing on the wall, America as they knew it in the past where the average American family and the poor were neglected, is in its' death throes. I believe that this is why they consider Obama to be such a "dangerous" president. He rejects the prevailing D.C status quo. I also admire President Obama for having the guts to call them all out about their secretive dealings in the past, and for letting them know that he is willing to fight them to improve the lives of all of us, not just some of us.

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM


  3. I look at Obama as our savior. If we are to have a future it will be because of him. He is the right person at the right time.

    The guiding light we have been waiting for to lead us out of the dark tunnel Bush has us in. He did concern me when he said that it was too much like the scums Bring it on!

    I was listening to the lies coming from the wrong today I mean right! Job killers, destroyers of America WTF I am so sick of their lying two faced underhanded BS!

    I happened to turn to Limbaugh speaking at the so called Conservative Convention today. He is such a pompous Fascist.

    He said Democrats destroyed America with 50 years of a welfare State. They loved the scums words. He wants Obama done in 4 years. We are so screwed if that happens!

  4. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Why haven't you mentioned Obama's sudden change on troop withdrawal from Iraq? He said when he was running that he would have them out immediately, and now he is pushing that back to over a year from now.

  5. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Anon @ 3:41, read the Status of Forces Agreement. I did, and the decision Obama made is in accordance with the terms of the agreement. What most Americans DON'T understand is that the Iraqi people want their country back, their sovereignty back. They look upon us as a foreign occupation force. How would Americans feel if we had been invaded without a valid reason and the invasion force took over our nation and refused to leave? We'd be mad as heck!


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